jason was check an photo as he sniker as velvet notice it
velvet:son what you sniker
jason:oh well i check the photo when ragna dress up
velvet:oh really let me see
he show the picture
velvet try to hold her laugh
velvet:he he*sniker*actually use the female ones
jason:lost an bet
velvet:oh *sniker*right*notice the cosplay as hazama and terumi*wait he actually dress up as thoses two?
jason:yep..he hate it
velvet:let me guess burn then after
velvet:yeah i not suprise
???:but why i am suprise is why you watch that when i told my son not to!
jason and velvet flinch as they slowing turn to see ragna piss off
jason:uhhh...hey dad
ragna:don't hey me you say you keep it hide!
velvet:but is not that bad*look the outfits who was shirtless*more with thoses who show how strong you are~
velvet:jejej sorry
jason:i odd enough you know
ragna and velvet:you still will been our little child
jason swetdrop as he brush