lolis and shotas the return

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jason was with jenny,zoey,leona,jake,kyu and the devas,liz with her friends{the vivid stirke girls} watch tv

fuuka:nothing is good an tv

kyu:what you expect with the hollywood issue there is no good movie anyways

leona:the marvels movie sucks

the rest agreed as jenny notice an package and put an table

jake:what is it

jenny:i don't know

everyone look to see it say 

open me please

tengu:that is an bad omen

liz:it could be sweets

jake:i don't it

leona:well open it

jason open the box and 


there was smoke as everyone cough as the smoke dissapear

jason:what....happen wait what happen my voice

jenny:oh my god!

everyone look and notice the adult were back to kids

girls:we became lolis!!

guys:we turn into shotas

the boys and girls look an the kids

liz:uhh i don't feel diferent


rinne:we still pretty much the same

jake:oh great we turn into kids

vivio:jeje now you not soo tough are you


corona:yeah guess now we are the adult here

the others:shut up stupid virus!

corona flich

fuuka:suck to have that name now..huh

corona:don't remind me

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