Chapter 3

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When I woke up I saw scratches on my wrist and arm. I tried to open the door and it was unlocked. Mom must have left and saw me I thought. I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 6:40. School starts at 8:30 I have time to take a shower,and that is what I did. When I felt the hot water on my body it burned the scraches.

I liked the pain it caused. After I was done I put on my uniform, which was a dress and a button up T-shirt, I put my hair in a low ponytail. I finally put on mascara and some lip gloss on and grabbed my bag and went out the door.

I never eat breakfast because I am to fat for it. When I checked the time I got to school it was 8:20. I walked to class and saw I was the only one there. I sat down and pulled out my book to read. Even Mr. Aizawa was not here. When the time was three minutes before the bell rung most of the class came in and sat at their desk. "Hey, Persia when did you get here," Sero said. "Hi and 8:20," I responded. He nodded and went back to his desk while I watch Katsuki walk to his desk.

"Good morning," he said lowly. "G-good m-morning Katsuki," I said, after I said that hd looked at me surprised I relized that I said Katsuki instead of Bakugo. "I-I am sorry I should have said Bakugo please forgive me," I begged. "It is fine you can say it," he said still lowly. "Oh..okay," I said feeling weird. Thats when Mr. Aizawa walked in. He basically said that we are going to fight other people. I got scared to get people hurt with my evil quirk.

The class walked to the feild and started to get ready. I just stood there scared for who I would get paired with. "Okay here is the pairs. Bakugo and Mina, Sero and Persia, Mineta and Jiro, Kirishima and,Asumi and Aoyama,Uraraka and Ojiro,Kaminari and Koda, Sato and Shoji, Tokoyami and Todoroki, Ida and Midoriya, and Momo will have to fight Kaminari," Mr. Aizawa said tired.

The people who won was

People fought all the way until the finally and the people were Persia,Todoroki,Mydoria,Bakugo. "Midoriya and Persia, Todoroki and Bakugo," Mr. Aizawa said again tired. Midoriya I am going to die, I thought. When me and Midoriya were in our spots and everybody was looking I got anxious and started to scratch. I started to say to myself to breath. Midoriya did the first punch and I used the darkness to put a feild to bounce it back to him and almost made him fall. I almost got it, I thought. He did another push and flicked his index and off of his thumb.

I did another feild and made it bounce and since it was a little of power he.....almost fell. Dammit, I thought irritated. He jumped high and tried to hit me from the top,but I was mad because he was hard. I got a whip and slaped him in the body and made a deep cut. He fell on the ground on his feet. I got a blaster and blew it......... right beside him and made the ground shake hard. He finally fell. "Persia wins," Mr. Aizawa said. "Bakugo and Todoroki next up, "Midoriya go to Recovery Girl," Mr. Aizawa said while everyone went to where they needed to be. I walked back to everybody else and they looked at me in shock.

"I was to rough wasn't I, I hope I didn't hurt him that bad," I said with guilt. "No no no you were sooooo manly," Kirishima said, I smiled.
When Bakugo's fight with Todoroki and I heard Bakugo won. I was happy for the first time in a while. I went up to him and said "Congratulations, Katsuki." "HE WAS ONLY AN EXTRA ARE YOU SAYING I COULDN'T HAVE WON BECAUSE WE FIGHT NEXT AND YOU BETTER GIVE IT YOUR ALL DARK!" He screamed. "Okay I will", I said. "YOU BETTER," he screamed again. After that we both walked away and while he got ready I just waited.
" Ya'll can start now," Mr. Aizawa said ready to get this over with. We both walked in the area and was in are fighting stance until he blasted a bomb at me,and I dodged it.

He got mad and blew another boom and I made a sheild. I made a bow and arrow and shot him in the foot, knowing it won't do bad damage but will hurt bad. He groaned and got really mad. I shot the other foot. He feel to his knees but never gave up. On his knees he still tried to blow me up. He was getting tired and did his final blow. I dodged everything and got him on his knees. I walked up to him and said "I am sorry." Then I pushed his weak self down and won.
"Persia won in all, good job," Mr. Aizawa said. "Bring him to Recovery Girl and get fixed up," Mr. Aizawa added. I nodded and put his arm over my shoulder and walked slowly to Recovery Girl.

When I was walking I heard him say "Don't think you are better then me because of one fight."
"I would never I promise and am very sorry about the injuries," I said frantically. "Okay just making sure and STOP APOLOGIZING SO DAMN MUCH OKAY," he screamed near the end.
"Yes I am s-," I was about to say sorry but was caught with his side eye. "I will just be quiet," I said feeling that same feeling from earlier.

I was quiet the entire time until we got to Recovery Girl. "I hurt him in his foot and I have some scratches and deep cuts," I told her and I felt eyes when I said I was hurt. She nodded and brought us to the beds. "He can go first,he is worse," I said. He rolled his eyes and she nodded again and lead him to the bed. I just watched and saw her kiss him and I felt jealous. That is weird she is the doctor why am I jealous? When she was done she told me to sit down and I did and I showed her the one on my stomach and thigh which caused me to lift up my training uniform. I heard a big inhale and exhale from Katsuki and looked over at him staring at my body. I didn't have the best body, was very curvy and had a medium sized stomach, and big thighs. I felt embarrassed and looked down. When I looked down I saw a big scratch on my upper stomach close to my boobs. When the doctor kissed me and we left I got Bakugo on my shoulder and walked to the clasd room. For awhile it was quiet then he said something "Why did you say they were small." He was irritated. "I am s-sorry,"I said then remembering what he said about sorry.

He looked at me and was mad like always. When we got at the class everybody went to their next class and after school I went home and was not locked out this time and did my homework and took a shower then didn't eat nothing today and laided in bed thinking about today and Katsuki.


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