Chapter 4

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When I woke up to alarm and saw that I had a little more time than usual I actually had breakfast. I ate grape jelly toast. When that was done I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair also washed my face. I put on my uniform with some tennis shoes. I got my backpack and walked out the door locking it because mom was already gone.

When I was walking I put my headphones in and listened to music on the walk to UA. When I got there I wad still 10 minutes before the bell rang so I sat down and started to read. Reading would always calm my thinking and how life is.
About 4 minutes after I started reading some people came in, Ida,Izuku,Kirishima,and Katsuki. When I looked up at the sudden noise I saw them walking to their seats. When I saw Katsuki the memories of last night came flodding in my brain.

After staring at Katsuki for 20 seconds I saw Iida notice so I went back to reading. This is a good book, I thought enjoying the book. I had a small smile on. When I heard loud talking I put up my book knowing class was about to start. I waited patently and quietly until I saw Mr. Aizawa. "So students I have got news," there was lots of "what" going around  "There is going to be a sports festival in two weeks so we will be doing tough traing. There  will be people trying to get with you so do your best." He finished.

"When are we going to going to start?" Kaminari asked. "Now," the teacher responded. "Get your traing clothes on, GO!" The teacher said while everybody went to the locker rooms. Again I was the quickest and got out first with the boys. We all waited for the girls to come so we could start.  When they came out Katsuki said "TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH EXTRAS!" All the girls acted like the did not care. "Let's get started, I have a piece of paper of the groups you will be traing with for today, it is on the table," Mr. Aizawa said. Everybody practically ran over while I just walked. Kastuki. Katsuki was walking over to me and said "Did you see the paper," I nodded "okay well we are going to start training now okay?" I nodded again and walked over to an empty spot.

"Are you feeling okay from yesterday," I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. " "OF COURSE I AM DO YOU NOT THINK I AM THAT STRONG AND THINK YOU ARE STRONGER THAT ME? I WILL DESTROY YOU DURING TRAING TODAY. YOU ARE LUCKY THERE IS A TEACHER OR I WOULD BEAT YOUR ASS," He screamed at me. I felt tears welping up. "No you are very strong and I know I am not as strong as everybody else and I know you can beat me," I said almost letting tears fall. "Let's just train," I said.

He nodded and walked a little further than me and got on his stance and after 5 seconds he blew an explosion while jumping in the air. I dodged and made an octopus tentacle and hit him hard.  He fell to the ground and I made an explosion near his body. I stoped and walked to him.
"Oh my god are you okay I am sorry," I said completely forgetting what he said yesterday. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SORRY WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCKING LISTEN," he screamed at me. "That's how I grew myself to be," I resopnded tears in my eyes. "MR.AIZAWA CAN ME AND KATSUKI GO TO RECOVERY GIRL," I screamed across the feild. "YES YOU CAN," He screamed back. I picked up Katsuki and put his arm around my shoulder.  We were both quiet the entire time.

"I don't always need to go to Recovery Girl after a little fight or training," Katsuki said annoyed. "We can go back if you want, I just thought you got hurt bad," I said. "ARE YOU SAYING I AM WEAK BECAUSE IF YOU ARE I WILL SHOW YOU HOW STRONG I AM AT THE SPORTS FESTIVAL AND BEAT YOU!"he screamed again.
"I have never thought that you are weak I always thought you were very strong and I can't wait until I can see you at the sports festival," I explained. "Whatever," he mumbled. When we got at the nurse she said "Back again, well I have to clean your wounds," she said pointing to me "and yours to also what happened?" "She happened agian," Katsuki said pointing at me. I feel so guilty and with that I put my head down. "Hey, I was joking," he said whispering to me. I nodded and said to the nurse "He can go first again." She nodded and led Katsuki to the bed and told him to sit on it.

She had to lift up his shirt a little to see his cut and his back. Which I blushed and looked down hoping he did not see. He has tone abs and a strong figure, I thought.Then she cleaned it and his feet from yesterday and lastly gave him a kiss. When she told me to get on the bed now I looked down and she told me to show her the old cuts whiched caused me to lift up my training uniform. She cleaned them off and then kissed me. "Thank you," I told her putting Katsuki's arm around my shoulder.

When we started to walk from the nurse office Katsuki said " I don't need my arm around my shoulder I am not hurt that bad." I nodded while I slowly took his arm off.  "You fight really good Katsuki," I said trying not to make it awkward. "ARE YOU SAYING YOU THOUGHT I WAS BAD AND I AM HORRIBLE WELL YOU ARE WRONG I AM THE BEST AND WILL BE NUMBER 1 HERO AND BEAT YOU DARK," he screamed at me. "No I think you are amazing and strong and I hope you will make your dream to become number 1 hero and beat me. You are amazing," I said calmly. He let out a "tch" and started to walk infront of me. Well I made it akward I thought.

The entire walk we was quiet. When we got back to the class room because they were done training we went to our seats. "Hey Bakubro are you okay," Kirishima said. "OF COURSE I AM DO YOU THINK DARK CAN REALLY HURT ME THAT BAD," Katsuki screamed at him angry. "No I think you are very manly. I was just being a caring friend," Kirishima responded. " Hey girlie can I get your number so I can text you so we can hang out," Mina asked. "Yea can I have your phone to put in," I said, she gave me her phone while I taped the number into her phone. Then Mr. Aizawa told us to sit down and to settle. When we all settled the bell rung for lunch. People ran out the door while I walked and then I saw Mina come up to me and she said "Do you want to sit with me and the baku squad?" "Yea sure." I just didn't want to sit alone and get embarrassed. When I got my lunch Mina brought me to the table and when I wad about to sit Katsuki said "Why does she have to sut with us?" "Because she is my friend and I said she can," Mina said. "I don't have to I will go, see you later," I responded, before I got pulled by my arm by Mina to sit down.

"You are sitting here no exceptions," she said refusing a no. I nodded and kept my head down not wanting to make eye contact with Katsuki. Mina got her smile  back and her and the rest of the group started to talk and have laughs. Katsuki could tell something was wrong so he taped his foot at her under the table so he will get her attention.  She lifted her head and he mouthed "Are you ok?" I nodded.

The bell rung and the rest of the school day went like normal. When I got home my mom was not there nor my dad. I started to do my homework and started to take a shower. After I got out I got a text from Mina.

Heyyy girlie


Do u want to hang out tomorrow with the baku squad


Ok well byeee👋


After that I checked the time to be 10 so I brushed my teeth and went to bed.


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