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This....this is the story of how I died.

But don't worry, its a very fun story--In fact, it's not even about me.

Once upon a time, many years ago, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens as a gift to the earth. And from this drop of sunlight grew a magical, golden flower.

Oh, you see that creepy old guy? Yeah, you might wanna remember him. He's kind of important.

Many years passed and a hop, skip, and a jump away, a kingdom grew. Flourshing with all kinds of riches and happiness. And the King and Queen of that time were wanting of a child. For many years they tried and tried but to no avail. Until, one day....

The queen came with child and the whole kingdom waited in expectation for the new baby. But not all was as well as they had hoped. The queen became very sick, doing her best to fight it but it wasn't looking so well for her and her child.

So, they did what people always do in times of desperation; look for a miracle. Or in this case, a flower.

Ah, I told you that old guy was important. You see, instead of sharing the flower's power, Madara wanted to keep it to keep himself young for hundreds of years. He did his best to hide the flower, but the palace guards were too determined, and the flower was quickly discovered.

Upon finding the flower, they dug it up, taking it back to the castle. The flower was cooked, providing an elixer that healed the queen. Bringing into the world a beautiful baby girl named Rapunzel.

To celebrate the birth of their daughter, the King and Queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. And in that moment...all was perfect. But it was not to be.

Madara returned, enraged that the flower to which he so desperately cleaved to was stolen from him. The very night after her birth, Madara broke into the castle stole the child....

And was gone.

The King and Queen sesrched desperately for their misssing  daughter, but she was no where to be found. They never stopped looking, however, and on the night of her every birthday, thousands of lanters were released into the sky in the hopes that one day...

The lost princess would return.

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