Annoying life!!!

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Annoying life!!!

Chapter 1

"Get my things tanya" trevoure said to me. He always think that he rule this world. He even grin at me. Wait! Is this a joke? Me a daughter of an international business company is being taken over by a 22 yrs old guy who is just a son of my dads best friend? This is a total unfair! Why does i have to be taken care by him? I am already 19!!! So whats the problem of me being alone? I hate that trevoure following me anywhere his just a stupid man who can't even take a big responsibility. "here get faster kid! Take it all and bring me some juice ok! Now go quick" he said as he was grinning and puts his shades on as he sit on the bench on the beach. He got to be kidding me how come i am doing what he wants me to do!!! Did he even put some potion or spell for me to do it? And why am i being with him at the beach?

I bought the drinks that he want and when i came back i saw a girl kissing him! This is shocking!!! I mean him! Kissing?! Thats stupid he cant even kiss a kid or what ever he could not! He always say that theres no way that he would kiss a girl. I go near to them and their lips are now separated to each other. Both looking At me while thier face are very close to each other. I give the drinks to him and the girl said" what about mine?" i give her my share and got piss off i mean wait why would i believe that trevoure would not do such a thing??? His 22 so he can kiss or smooch to anyone he wants!!! Man this is getting weird and dont say that i like him his just manupulating my life thats all. Man i cant believe that he can hold my life just like that??? Too impossible! Ok ok now the girl said that i am going to marry a kid whose age is 17. Wait!!! Me MARRY!!!!! A 2 yrs younger than me!!! Is she kidding me? No way! I was freaking out and want say anything but to act that i was screaming. Trevoure said laugh at me and put his arm on me when he stands up and said" why is your face look so terrible? You dont like a guy whose age is 17? Why? Dont you mean that you like people like me?" i punch his stomach and yell at scream at him so mad. The girl just giggle.

I went back home and ask to my dad if that girl was telling the truth. And dad said yes i will be marrying a boy. My dad said that i dont need to worry since he is a good looking baby face boy. And now i just want to throw my dad and yell at him to stop making fun of me!!! I dont like this kind of life!!!! Can i rebel?? But it would make my familys name.... No it is my name!!! I cant do anything bad it would ruin my reputation! You got it?! Arghh dad is so mean. " oh yeah tanya micheal your ex boyfriend has come back and i set a date for the 2 of you" did dad just said that?? Do i need to get angry or sigh?? Sigh. Dad is so cruel he makes me have a date with that cheater. Micheal had broken my heart and i would never like him. And theres only 2 boys i know in my life for long micheal and that stupid trevoure who kiss with a unknown girl.

Wait!!! I left him alone together with that girl??? Both hand on the face being so shock. I run back to the beach to go And see him. Wait?? Why do i need to run i am rich!!! And why do i need to be shock!! him together with an unknown girl!!! I know that i have a bit crush on him but most i feel about is i want to kill him like dieeeee!!! Now i am here at the beach his sitting alone on the bench. He look so down. And a grin draw on my face. This is a good time to insult him!! Hahhahaha. I sat next to him and he just lay his head on my shoulder and me blushing and want him to throw away. Trevoure!! I said in a lil annoying loud vioce. He just giggle and told me "were done... After for so many years were done... Curse this richness... If she was not richer than me then her parent would not force her to marry a stupid rich young man chinese. I mean i want her to be mine she was mine until that rich man came." i can feel how he feel but being left like that i guess thats way too hard for him. I know that i dont know that girl and dont even know that trevoure has a girl friend.

Oh well wait!!! I should be teasing him not comforting him!!! Man i am sooo stupid. Maybe i just need to change my Attitude but how?!!! I grow like a very good girl except for my head which react first before my emotion.

Now it is night he went to a bar to drink well i didnt care for that part i dont want to get invovle on a drunkard trevoure. Now i am going home alone and went to go get some sleep.

I sleep for 2 hours and woke up to get a milk to drink. Now i was not on myself. I went out of the house too dark outside walking on the way to the bar where trevoure is. I was wearing my sexy dress for my sleep time. And when i got there i just found myself wearing a sexy dress and found that why the heck am i here!!!! I palm face and i guess i was just half asleep and doesnt know what am i doing. A boy come near me and give me a mild smile. He was too angelic!!! The type of guy i wanna marry!!! Yeah the true type!!!

He offer me a drink which is a milk choco fudge it was yummy. I ask about his name and said his Young Kim Dae his soooo cute like a kid. I wonder what he is doin in this kind of place. I ask for his age and told me his just 17 and smiled. I was happy because i am able to meet a boy like him he got same age as my fiance and i wish it was him.

He told me he need to go at this late hour and said that we hope to see each other again. Before he go we exchange emial to communicate and i was so fluttered by his. I look for trevoure on the bar and found him on the second floor drunk. I fell pity for him bevause he lost her girl well screw you!!! Hahahaahaha!!! Well i should help him not just laughing in my brain. I try to help him stand and man his a dang heavy man!!! Could someone help me!!!! I manage to help him walk but seems like i am just carrying most of his weight. We got half way on my home and he vomit on the way. He told me to buy water for drink and a breath freshener. And i did what he said as usual i hate this life do i have to do this???

He gargle up and drink some of the water. He wipe his mouth and spray his mint on his mouth to have a good breath. He take a good look at me and smirk. I was a bit annoyed by his laugh it was so annoying he laugh at me??? And now what??? He hold my arms tightly that almost my blood wont flow through. He carees his other hand on my cheeks and kiss me!!! I was shock i mean is he still drunk!!! Are you insane trevoure?? Wait why am i not stopping him from kissing me???

I force him to let go of me and he did let go of me giving me a mild sorrowful smile while i was wiping my lips like i never ever like it.

He said sorry to me and he wont do it Again if his drunk. " are u kidding me??? That was not funny trevoure!!!" i said, " yeah i know tanya you dont have to say it all over again i mean i have done this like 13 times to you dont you even get used to it??" saying ot giving me a grin on his face.

I walk as fast as i can to hurry and go back to sleep. I left trevoure alone on the way arghh!!! I mean this is such an outrage!!! cant he even think on how i feel??? All he knows is use me!!! and make me his. I guess i just need a sleep. I jump into my bed and hug my pillow. My phone rang up saying i have a mail knowing it was Young Kim Dae!!!! Waaaaahhh!!! My love!!! Has emailed me!!!

" hey tanya i was very mesmerize when the first time i saw you i hope that we can get closer and have a deep relationship someday. I hope we could go out on some other day and talk to each other this is Kim hope you reply and say yes to settle on where we will go." waaaaa Young Kim Dae !!!!!! Arghh this is fluterring i mean me having crush on him.

He even ask me to go out waaa now i will reply yes with smiley ^_^. And now it is time to sleep to have a good rest.


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