annoying life 2-kiss!

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Annoying life!!!

Chapter 2

Now is the day that i will go to pool with kim!!! Waaahhh i love you!!! Wait?!!! Why is trevoure here with me waiting for kim?!!! Arghh yeah i forgot that dad told him to watch over me. I mean arghhhh he kissed me!!! I cant forgive on what he did to meee!!!!

He wrap his arms to my shoulder and smell the scent on my hair. " hmm a very passionate smell tanya" i punch his stomach and trying to shove him away.

Kim just came and his face smilling like an angel kyaaaah my heart is falling yeah yeah!!! Kyaaaa i mean ahem i need to speak to him not just imagining. " kim i am so sorry that we need to go with someone on this date. My dad appoint him to go and watch over me." i said to kim smiling. " its ok i dont mind anyway, so this is your big brother?" kim looking at trevoure smiling giving him a hand to shake " nice to meet you big bro!" trevoure just look at him with fierce.

Dang this trevoure wont he just give my lil kim a shake?? Come on your so mean!!! " hey trevoure smile" i told him and he just give an annoying glare at him. Man this would be a trpuble maybe i cant get a chance to have my kiss on our first date. I mean is this a date?? I dont think so dears!!!

Now were heading to a cafe and trevoure sit beside me while kim was in front or me i guess it is just ok that we dont sit together since his just right infront of me. Sigh. What a beautiful view i see here now i am only looking at him while his looking at the menu. Trevoure notice that i am looking at him so he stomp my foot and i bit my tongue and was going to shout out load bu i hold it by closing my mouth with force and my face getting red. Arghhhhhhhh!!!!! I stomp trevoure's foott with all of my force but seems like his foot harden which my attack was useless darn it!!! So his expecting thT i would take revenge dabg it!!! Kim finished ordering up and give me a sweet smile. How cute which makes all of my pain flew away. Arghh i am in heaven it is perfect to be kim right infront of me. Kyaaaaaa!!!

" kim uhmm i" trevour cut in asking kim some stupid questions "have you ever tried kissing this girl" he smirk. I mean whatttt!!!!! Dont you dare telling him that youve kissed me 13 times!!!!! He just chuckle saying "why you want to see us kissing?" he gives those evilish angelic face. I was fluttered with mixed of embarrassment. He just said that?!!! His not just like An angel Kim is like a cool type of a person?!!! Goo Kim kick this trevour's ass away from our date. I cant wait to show you my swim suit kyaa!!! Trevour stops and the order came up and eat as fast as he can. Gosh his pissed off i love it!!! Hhahaha in your face trevour his fighting for me i Am not ur possesion you got that?

We directly went to the restroom to splash our body on the poool. I wear this cute pretty dark blue tops and frilly under. His gonna like this i am sure of it. Trevour whistles at me staring from my feet up stopping on my tits. " would you stop that?" i punch his stomach and Kim was standing right infront of us i bavk off as i blush making mistake. Arghhh i hate you trevour for making me punch you!!! Now his going to hate me! Kim took my hand and drag me "kim?" i ask as he stopped kissing me. My eyes went wide, trevours jaw dropping.

H hhe just kissed me! I stutter " kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" he kissed me agian!!!!! Again again anoyher plwase!!! Wahh!!! My head is spinning i like the way he kiss me softly unlike trevours no! This is a passionate one!!!! Our lips separate as he hug me i can feel his chest hir formed chest. " did you just kissed my toy?" what?!!! I aint your toy badass!!! " i just did give her my very first kiss. I guess first are always the best" he grin touching his lips i blushed deeply unknowingly trevour just throw his gogles on my back " give me a break" he walk away and just hook up with girls again.

His at it again but who cares!!! Waaa i cant wait what will happen next but i know this wont end on marraige i am sure i am already engage i mean this is for meanwhile!!! Kim took my hand and caress on his cheek. I blush and my heart were pounding so fast. "Can we enjoy this date tanya?" he said. I dont carr anymore!!!! I wanna be his girl!!! I dont care if he would ask me to do it with him i mean that wouls ruin my reputation but look at him!!!! His undeniably charming attractive cute cool words could not describe him wholely. I smile at him and we did enjoy the day. It was time to go and were holsing each others hand and there trevour waiting for me. Maybe my life isnt annoying after all. He kiss my cheeks for goodbye and walk home with trevour. Wait were rich wheres the lamburgini??? My my never mind. "enjoy alot ey?" he grin. Which means he will do something oh no! " yeah??? Are you jelous? Just because he kissed me and you cant toy me anymore because his around?" gosh i just aaid that? Where did i got this guts!!!! Thanks mamamia!!! " it only means that my relation with you woyld just level up!" he said looking at my tits. " stop that! And we arent on a relationship!!! I am not your toy" i shout at him opening the front door of my house. Oh yeah i forgot we live together!!! I hate dad for putting him as his spy!!! I mean just i little i might get rape by trevour!!! I mean he might kiss me again!!!'

I went to my room and trevour grope my tits again!!! For the 5th time!!! And this time he is moving it all over!!! "noo!!! Trevour!!!!!" i stomp his foot and and kick his stomach! Huhuhu rapist!!! Help me!!! I need young kim dae!!!!

"Your tits had grown for the past 2 years!!! " gosh give me a break! His going to tell me a story again lol when i was 10 my boobs start to grow. 12 my boobs grow bigger than that time. And 14 when i cry for the whole week saying that my boobs were for kindergarten and 17 when he told me its bigger. Gosh what else does this man want to do!!! I guess my life is annoying after all. " hey doofus! I got your grades! Stuy harder idiot!" my nooooo!!!!! He will use it for blackmailing me again!!! So predixtable how come i forgot to get it!!! Huhuhu !!! God please help me!!!! " trevour please dont give it to dad!!! Please! I'll do anything!! Just please!! I promise" what!!! I said that word again how stupid of me!!!! "anythin huh! Oh well ok" noooo thats not what i meant noooo gosh so atupid!!! "well then i want you to bring this letter to the girl next door" my anger went down like doozing of what the f!!!! What should i expect ofcourse the lovely neighbor would be his target!!! That cute girl. Also he has a brother at my age also a handsome one but his unapproachable. I wish i could just know him more kyaaa by thinking of him makes me forget kim!! Sorry kim his also handsome you know!

And i went next door knocking. "helllo is someone there?" i ask and the door open there was my handsome shy neighbor!!!! He blush and nod his head "uhmm heres a letter from my brother" then he took it closing the door and clearly running away by hearing those footsteps. O went to my house sitting on the sofa daydreaming of his blush again. "did you gave it to her?" trevour asked. "pretty much his brother took it and ran away" trevours face gone pale "what?" i asked. " there was no name it it idiot!!!! Iy would clearly make it that i am a gay of he may think it came from you!!"

I blinked "ehhhhhhh!!!"

End tehehheh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2013 ⏰

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