Chapter One

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Chapter One




"He's staring again..." Dean murmured close to her ear, his hot breath tickled the hairs on the nape of her neck. She shivered, enjoying the sensation even as his words annoyed her. Ginny didn't even have to look up from her assignment on the table to see who it was that Dean was referring to. She sighed and counted to ten in her mind.

"You're delusional, Dean." She really tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice but it was near impossible when this sort of thing has been going on for weeks now. And Ginny was well past getting tired of it.

"No, I'm not," His tone was defensive. Ginny finally lifted her gaze to meet his. He was angry. Angry and jealous. That has been the theme with them as of late... "I'm not imagining his glares in my direction, Ginny. And I'm especially not imagining the way he looks at you when you aren't watching."

She was getting whiplash from the deja vu of this conversation. It was almost an exact repeat from the last time he had mentioned this nonsense.

Ginny slammed her book shut and glared at her boyfriend, her annoyance reaching its peak. "You're barmy. I haven't noticed any difference in his behaviour. He still spends all of his time with Ron and Hermione, plays Quidditch and goes to classes. Nothing out of the ordinary with him going on."

But Dean wasn't listening to her. Hell, he wasn't even looking at her. He was too busy glaring right over her shoulder across the common room... and she could guess at who. She scowled at him and made a noise of disgust. He was being rude and completely irrational. The sound she made recaptured his attention and his full focus zeroed in on her face.

"You would tell me if he approached you, right? If he made a move?"

Ginny could only sputter in response. Was he daft? What made him think that Harry would make a move on her? His best mate's little sister... Hell, she was pretty sure that Harry still had moon eyes for Cho Chang.

Dean narrowed his eyes at her lack of response as they surveyed her face suspiciously. "Unless... Unless he's already made a move and you're trying to cover it up."

Was he...? But he couldn't possibly... And yet... The unspoken accusation was clear in his voice as well as the look on his face. "A-Are you accusing me of cheating on you, Dean Thomas? With Harry, of all people?"

Of all of the shite that she's had to hear spewing out of his mouth the last several weeks, this one surely took the cake. There was a line drawn in the sand, and Dean was dancing far too close to it.

Dean swallowed as he jutted his chin out defiantly. "Why else do you get so defensive whenever I bring up the fact that Harry is constantly staring at you?"

Ginny threw her hands up in the air. "Because maybe I'm tired of our only conversations as of late being complete and utter nonsense!"

Her voice rose and carried across the room this time as the other Gryffindors stopped and started to pay attention to their argument. Ginny blushed at being caught having another row with her boyfriend in front of other people but it's been happening so frequently lately that she supposed that perhaps she should already be used to so many eyes on her from the many displays. Still, she hated sticking around to give them a show and she no longer wanted to be around Dean anyways from the moment he threw that stupid, baseless accusation at her. What has she ever done to him to deserve such constant scrutiny? She tried her best to be a good girlfriend to him and this is how he repaid her? By being consistently jealous and accusing her of actions that she has never even thought of committing? She huffed and stood abruptly, thrashing back her chair with a loud scrape against the floor.

"Where are you going?" Dean called after her as she stormed across the common room floor, headed for the portrait hole.

"Giving you time to work through your completely nutter ideas," She replied coolly over her shoulder.

But when she made it to the portrait hole, something niggling at the back of her awareness told her to look back across the room. She did so as she opened the portrait and her gaze caught on Harry, sitting in his normal spot by the fire next to Ron and Hermione.

Ginny froze momentarily. He was indeed staring at her. Which was to be expected, as all the other Gryffindors in the room were either looking at her or Dean now due to her ill-fated outburst. But it was Harry's expression that made her pause... it was a blazing look, both triumphant and smug. It was a look that she had never before seen on Harry Potter's face and left her quite baffled. What in the blazes were those three talking about to make Harry look as though he won the wizarding lottery?

She shrugged to herself mentally and pretended that she didn't notice as she continued on her way by stepping through the portrait. She had other things to think on at the moment. And her favourite place to think as of late has been the Astronomy Tower.




A/N: This has been sitting in my documents for a while now and I decided to polish it a bit before posting. There will be a few more chapters to come with this one and it won't be a terribly long story - for once, I am not writing a slow-burn... who knew that I had it in me?

Please leave me a comment/review of your thoughts so far?

Also, if you like Spider-Man, please consider reading my Spider-Man story - 'Spider-Who?'! It's an amnesia story with lots of drama.

Thanks for reading!




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