Chapter Two

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Chapter Two




Two days passed since the incident in the common room. Dean has since apologized to her for his accusation for her alleged 'cheating' but she couldn't help but notice that he still didn't apologize for his ever-constant claims that Harry liked watching her. He no longer brought it up but Ginny knew that it was only a matter of time based on how often she caught him glaring over at that specific spot in the common room by the fire...

Now, she sat once again in the Astronomy Tower, with her arms hugging her knees and her back against one of the columns as she stared out at the Black Lake. She normally came here for a serene, quiet moment to empty her mind, to focus on her breathing. But lately, it's been a place where all she could do was think bustling and confusing thoughts.

Her relationship with Dean was not going in the direction that she hoped. In fact, it was going the exact opposite direction. In the beginning it was easy. He was kind and drew her pictures. They would talk Quidditch and he would try to explain the rules of muggle football to her. But now, it was a constant struggle not to fall into an argument with him. He even went further on treating her as though she were made of only glass! He outright demanded to carry her books to her classroom the other day, and he won't stop helping her through that damned portrait hole! The thought caused her blood to boil. Their relationship was no longer easy or fun. It has become a chore. His unwarranted jealousy against Harry was ruining their relationship more than if Harry actually did fancy her and then announced it to the entire castle.

She blushed at the picture this errant thought painted. It was a ridiculous, silly child's daydream. Harry? Fancy her? She couldn't help the snort that escaped her. Dean was seriously off his rocker.

"Something funny?" A familiar voice spoke behind her.

Ginny jumped, her hand clutched at her heart as she whirled her head back to look at him. If the voice wasn't enough indicator, the black messy hair and the bespectacled green eyes were recognizable to her immediately. "Harry! Merlin. You scared me."

He grinned wide at her, those green eyes of his dancing, completely unapologetic. Her heart was now beating fast for reasons other than him sneaking up on her... His smile always lit up his face and made him look all the more handsome. It was a pity that it rarely showed itself these days... not since Sirius' death. But she still basked in the sight of it now.

"It's not often that I get to do that. You're usually fearless, Gin." His tone was light, with an edge of mocking glee as his eyes sparkled with mirth. Oh. He was going to pay for that. She would find a way to trip him up sooner or later to get him back for catching her unnerved. "Mind if I sit?"

His head indicated to the open space next to her and she nodded automatically, though she was still confused by his presence. They never spent time alone together. Her brother was usually around or Hermione... or her entire family, for that matter. With six older brothers, she barely had time for herself growing up. Hence the need to sneak out to the broom shed at night in order for her to practice flying. He stepped forward and lowered himself on the floor next to her, crossing his legs as he did so. Their thighs bumped against each other. Ginny flushed before she shook her head and turned it to look at him. "What brings you up here?"

Harry bit his bottom lip as he seemed to hesitate to answer. Ginny found it rather odd. To her, it was a simple question that required a simple answer, right? Harry inhaled deeply. "I was looking for you, actually," He confided, much to her surprise. "You've seemed out of sorts lately and I wanted to make sure that you're okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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