Chapter 2

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(Authors note: agaggagshgsha ITS DONE B)))! I WORKED ON THIS AGAIN AND ITS DONE!!! CHAPTER 2 (yippee!!!!) IS DONE!! Hope yall enjoy this because chapter 3 is coming out in 2026 *silly*)

(okay bye)


Dark.. It was dark.. and of course it was, the clock said 2am and it showed, all residents of the hotel were deep into slumber.. excluding one..


" AAHHGGRRRHHH! " He shot upwards, breathing faster than he thought he could. Violence thoughts plagued him since last morning but he never thought it would come up in his dreams, the blood, the screams.. the pain, his own brain was tormenting him.

" God.. aurgh.. why'd the fuck did I think that.. no.. why.. " Knife mumbled to no-one, those few hours brought hell into his life and he.. he couldn't tell anybody! They'll all think he was insane! He- he had to stop them himself, but how? All these thoughts seemed to fumble around in the silver point he called a head, bashing into the hellish gore.. all made by him.

He smashed his hands onto his head, shaking in silent agony, was this his life now? Did he.. wait..

He pushed his hands out, they jittered, he looked down at himself, he breathed at unbelievable speeds, the gorey thoughts weren't his only problem.

" Oh.. jeez, this is how I've been the past minute? " He whispered, this wasn't
right, was it? He held his chest and breathed in.. and out..

and in.. and out.. and.. everything felt better! It was working, he was fixing his broken parts, the thoughts didn't bother him when he didn't bother them!.. so why did things still feel wrong? Knife turned and focused his eyes on the door, h-he was probably just dehydrated, that made sense didn't it? All he needed was some water..


The creek of the door, the feet in the hallway, the steps down the stairs, they all echoed throughout the hotel.. yet no-one heard. The place felt abandoned but Knife couldn't shake the feeling of being followed, it lingered, even after entering the kitchen.. it was no big deal, he just needed to focus on what he came down for.

He got the glass, he turned on the sink, he ignored the blender and started drinking, all seemed fine, till one of his eyes caught a glimpse of what was behind.

A golden figure stood right outside of the kitchen, and as soon as it was viewed, it blurred out of existence.

" AUHG-AUHG " He choked on the water he was drinking " THE FUCK?! "

He turned his whole body to face.. the thing but it was gone, without a trace. In his shock he grabbed the water and chugged it before speed-walking back to his room, while on the stairs, his mind started to ponder, was that a hallucination? Of Trophy? God.. it was quite a bit to think about, but he didn't want to, he didn't want to trigger what happened before so.. he just had to sleep.

That shouldn't be so hard.


Day came once more for all the contestants, and this time Knife was included in the bunch. He slowly swung his body off his torn bed and head off ripped pillows, his droopy eyes weren't ready for the new morning, but after last night, Knife felt like he could finally take control of his life again.

Limping over to his door, he opened it to quite the sour sight, Trophy was standing right there, at the entrance to Knife's room, seeming to tower over him. If he was half-asleep then, this definitely woke him up.

" AAAAAAAHHHH! " He screamed in surprise " What the HELL are you doing here? "

Trophy scoffed and mumbled 'Scaredy-Cat' under his breath. " I'm here because YOU slept two hours later than you're meant to! "

" Well SOORRRYY that I care about having enough energy to deal with the dumb shit we get as challenges here " Knife replied, his eyes glew with rage

" Well I'm SORRY that I have a FUCKING schedule I follow, YOU made me miss MY morning shake dipshit! "

" Oh, guess you'll prefer a shake of blended sawdust and glass at your preferred time rather than giving me the time to wake up and make a good shake just a little later, hm? "

Trophy snorted and started to walk off, but he still had one more thing to say.

" I'm expecting my shake and sunbed ready in 20 minutes MAX, GET. IT. DONE " Soon after, he continued his walk, and fell out of Knife's line of sight. Knife sighed, he couldn't do much except hope that he would be eliminated next challenge, he couldn't much but wait.

So day after day, he waited, waited for some miracle, one to free him from Trophy grasp.. but no, none came, and even worse, his thoughts got gorey-er and harder to ignore, he spent nights shaking in silent agony, why wouldn't it stop? He tried everything…

It took several days for Knife to figure out why his anguish was still lingering, he should've realised since the beginning..

He was never the problem, Trophy was.. and if he wanted his mental suffering ended..

Trophy needed to be ended..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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