44| Showers Of Love

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I have pasts inside me, 
that I did not bury properly.

Some nights,
your daughter tears herself apart,
yet heals in the morning.

Sunshine pouring bright and early in his room, waking up next to Zara, having accidentally passed out next to each other after a late night movie, the warm, cozy blankets...hmm, this was the kind of morning he could totally see himself waking up to happily every single day.

Zara's breath fanned his cheek, before soft lips lingered over his stubble.

Eyes still closed, he smiled sleepily, snuggling deeper into the covers and the gorgeous woman beside him.

He heard giggles and smiled more broadly. How he loved the sound of her laugh...

Her fingers slowly trailed un his hair, tangling them up. He sighed in contentment.

"Good morning."

"You too." He mumbled, lifting a hand to graze across her cheek lovingly, eyes finally opening up. 

Once his eyes adjusted to the brightness, he registered just how beautiful Zara looked in the 'just woke up' look. He realized how blessed he felt in that moment. She laid on her side, facing him, propped up on an elbow. Her hair cascaded on the pillow and he inhaled deeply.

"Hey, you." He grinned.

"Hey yourself. Back to earth yet?"

He feigned confusion. "Thought this was heaven?"

Making her blush felt like the sweetest accomplishment. Rolling her eyes, she leaned in for a kiss but he moved back.

"What?" She frowned.

"I haven't even brushed my teeth yet."

"Well if you get up to brush your teeth you won't get back in."

"Why not?"

"Because you're late."

He raised his eyebrows. "I am?"

She nodded sincerely. He got up, resting his back on the headboard and leaned to his nightstand to check the time on his phone. Just as he got a hold of his phone, Zara's hand cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Don't look at the time."

He laughed at the urgency in her actions before responding to the kiss but his eyes went over his phone screen anyway. Their lips moved vigorously against each other in a hot kiss before they parted to catch their breaths.

"I'm really late." He breathed, resting his forehead on hers.

"That's why I told you not to look."

"I need to run."


Before he could say a word in protest, her lips on his jaw were enough to shut him up nicely. Giving up, he laid back in the bed, letting her come on top. Zara trailed hot kisses on his jaw, increasing his heartrate.

Her hands wandered across his chest while his came to a rest on her hips.

When she gently grazed her tongue across his earlobe, something she'd learned turned him on to no end, his grip on her hips tightened. Their breaths turned heavy and the mood hot.

"You keep going and I swear we'll never leave the bed." He said roughly.

"I'm okay with that." She said looking all innocent, lifting her head up.

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