Chapter 1

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Cold red eyes star into mine. The ticking of the old fashion clock, is the only sound to hear and maybe my rapid heartbeat. I don't know how long we sit like this and stare into each other eyes but it starts to freak me out a bit.
But who could blame me? What would you do if one of hells most powerful overlord sits in front of you? His eyes are like the one from a preator, that wait until his prey does a single mistake, to attack and ripe its throat apart. Well it's probably the same at the moment. But even if he is a preator I won't let my self be ripped apart that easily. I let my eyelids sink down a bit and he does the same. I can tell that he isn't very happy about the fact that I dare to challenge him in this little staring contest, but I wouldn't be Y/N if I would let some jerk step on me that easily. The atmosphere around us was so thin that somebody could cut it with a scissor, I don't know how, much longer he will watch my moves.  Slowly the preator starts to sneak up on his prey. His eyelids sink further down and in the corner of my eyes I notice how he clenches his fist. The preator gets in position, ready to bonce on his prey any moment. He tenses his muscles, he will jump and dig his claws in my throat until I will eventually die. In exactly...

His smile starts to stretch even further, nearly ripping his face apart.
His eyes move down to my throat.
"I'm sorry, it took me way longer than I thought. I hope nothing bad happened." Right before he could bounce on me the door opened and in there stands my best friend Alice. Never in my entire life or afterlife have I snapped my head so fast towards somebody. Relief washed over my body and my once tensed shoulders got a chance to relax. The first time in what felt like eternity I was able to close my eyes and take a deep bread of air. "Did something happen while I was gone?"asks Alice as she walks towards the table, where me and the Radio Demon sat. "Not in the slightest, my dear! Me and your friend here were just enjoying or drinks. My, my we didn't even get the chance to talk because you had to leave right away as I came! Even to you invited me here, that's quite rude don't you think, darling?" beamed the overlord, way to loud for my liking. Man how does this guy have so much energy? Doesn't he get tired or is this some kind of his power? I let my body sink into the chair, until I feel a hand against my arm. I open my eyes a bit and look to my side, there sat Alice, who looked worriedly at me. "Are you alright, Y/N?"asks she with worry write over her words. I just gave a weak smile from me: "yea, just a bit tired. I dint get any sleep last night." She carefully takes my hand in hers and massages it a bit. From the corner of mz eyes I can clearly see that the red haired Demon isn't happy about he fact that i have the woman's entire attention. Alice doesn't seem to notice the jealous look that her guest gives me. She only huffs at me: " How often do I have to tell you, that you should go to sleep nights." I can't help but roll my eyes at her motherly behaviour, right before I have the chance to respond. The prideful Jerk, who sits across from use, speaks already: "Alice dear, how about your friend here goes to his room and sleeps while we talk in peace." His word are soft when he talks to Alice and his gaze is softer too. My best friend only looks between me and her guest, before her gaze stays still on me. I only give her hand a slight squeeze and nod my head. Before I let go of her and stand up, I turn around without even sparing the demon across a glance and make my way out of the room. The entire time I walk to the door I can feel his gaze and without looking I can clearly tell that the asshole has a mocking grin on his face. As if he's telling me that he won. As I reach the door I leave without a second thought, the moment I close the door I take a deap breath and run my hand through my (h/c) hair. That bastard knows how to get on my nerves. I don't know what a great and nice person like Alice sees in a total arrogant and bloodthirsty monster like him. But as long he doesn't hurt her I can somehow suck it up. I decide to make my way to my room to get some sleep. I go trought the hallway, I stand in, pass the livingroom and go upstairs. Upstairs awaits me another hallway, I pass the bathroom and Alcinas room. My body stops at the end of the hallway where on the left side the last door is, I reach with my hand after the handle and push it down. With a swing I open the door entirely and in front of me is my familiar bedroom. On the other side of the room is a big window from where you can see a part of hells city. Right infront of that window is my desk, on top stands my pc, on the left wall are some shelves with diffrent books, and right next to the shelvs stands my (f/c) wardrobe. On the opposide site stands in the middle of the wall my bed with (f/c) sheets. The walls are a (f/c) and (2f/c) colored. I close the door behind me and walk straight to my bed, to tired to change my clothes, I let my self drop onto the my bed. Fast I crawl under my covers and let my body relax, my eyelids fall shut and my breath is slow. I take a big sniff of my sheets. They smell like (f/s). Against my will my mind drifts back to Alice and that bastard. What was his name again? Ah, right Alastor. He looks like Bambi, the only diffrence is that Bambi is adorable. I just hope that he won't hurt Alice, I couldn't care less what would happen to me as long shes alright. Slowly I can feel how sleep takes over me, with my last toughs being on Alice, I slightly open my eyes and look to the window. The only thing I can make out is the blood red sky and some tall black buildings from the city. But right bevore I completely fall asleep I can make out a black shadow at the window and it looks straight at me. Bevore I can react I pass out, the sweet sence of sleep finally being to much to handle. 

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Alright this is the first chapter of my crapy book.  

If somebody ever reads this book I would really appreciate it if you could tell me about my mistakes. Like I said bevore english is not my first language so I apologize for my mistakes.  

If anybody reads my book I want to thank you for giving my crapy book a chance! (o^ ^o)

I wish you a good day/night!

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