Chapter 2

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Warnings: cursing, blood

No ones POV:

In the darkness of the room lies a dark figure, completely in silence. The only sound it makes are the soft breaths it consumes. Unbothered by the cauos outside it's home, the figure sleeps peacfully. But that wouldn't last for long anymore because slowly a second figure sneaks up to the sleeping demon. And within the next second the sleeping demon has a pillow thrown against his head with full force. "What the fuck!" screamed the male, as he sat up. His view still a bit blurred, but he still could make out the grinning  silhouette of the fox. "Come on sleepy head, you need to get some grocerys." Laying back down the male lets himself slowly drift back to sleep. "Can't you do it yourself?" mumbles the demon only to get another pillow thrown against his head. "I already did it the last three times, now get your lazy ass up!" replied the female angrily bevor leaving the room. Letting a sigh escape his lips, Y/N stands up and walks to his closet. He opens the doors and looks through his clothes, after a few seconds the male decides on a dark purple hoodie with black ripped jeans. After he changed into his new clothes, he grapped his phone from his desk, put in his pocket and went downstairs into the kitchen. There at the dining table sat his best friend with a cup of tea and read beauty and the beast. "How often do you want to read this book? You have like 50 other books and I'm pretty sure that you didn't read them all." said  Y/N while leaning against the doorframe. Glancing at the male, Alice gave him a soft smile. "Well I can't help it. I'm a sucker for such romance storys, I mean isn't it beautyful like Belle feel in love with the Beast even though he looked so strange and not human." Looking back at the book she lets out a soft sigh and starts  sinking into her daydreaming. "What I would do to experience the same with Alastor." The once soft look on Y/N features turns into a frown at the mention of the Radio Demon. "I will never understand what you see in that asshole, like come on that bastard is a jerk." says he only to receive a threatening glare from his friend. "Well he is still a gentelman not like you. What are you even still doing here, the grocerys won't buy them self. Heres the grocery list." Rolling his eyes Y/N walks over and graps the list bevor walking to the front door. He puts on his shoes, not even bothering to take any money with him, like come on this is hell, he leaves the comfort of his home. Walking down the chaotic streets of hell, unbothered about the blood every where the (h/c) male walks peacefully to the nearest store. While he's humming the melody to his favourite song, as he passes an allway somebody comes running into him. Stumbling backwards he glares at the demon that ran in him. The demon seemed to be a male around 4 ft, his appearance looked like a wolf, with black hair, he looked with his pleating neon green eyes up to Y/N. "H-hey man could you help me, please." begged the wolf. Raising his eyebrown, Y/N looks doubtful between the demon infront of him and the ally. As they both started to hear voices and foodsteps, the wolf gripped ónto the (e/c) eyed demons hoodie. "Come on mate! I-I do anything just please! I give you money o-or even my soul! Just PLEASE!" started the small man to desperately plead but the only respond he got from the taller man was a mere chuckle. "Serious? In the entire time you could have run away but instead you asked some random demon for help? This is hell nobody will help you except you give them something that they want in return and I have no use for money or you're pitiful soul." Looking back at demon infront of him Y/N watched carfully how his eyes grew wieder and he began to panic even more. Just as he was ready to continue his way to the store, he saw something he never though he would see in hell. Small water drops, so normal yet so pure, fell from the demons eye corners. Taken by suprise the (s/c) male didn't know how to react to the wolfs sudden crying. Is he new here or what? Thought the tall male. Right as he opened his mounth to ask the demon in front of him three other demons appeared. The left one seemed to be a 6 ft tall snake with grey blue scales, his eyes were pitch black and he held a knife in his claw. The demon on the right was around 5 ft, what kind of demon he is, is hard to tell but he has blood red eyes and a knife too. The guy in the middle seemed to be the boss of the small gang, he was good 8 ft tall and represented a spider with silver fur, one of his six golden eyes has a big scar over it  and in one of his eight arms he holds a baseball bat. "Well,well look who we found. Don't tell me you are seriously trying to get help?" said the silver spider to the little wolf. The other two only laughed at their boss's words. Turning his head Y/N looked at the wolf again and let me tell you he looked like he was gonna piss himself. Not being able to resist his chuckling again, our main character starts to laugh through that he gains the attention of the gang. "Whats-s s-so funny? You have a dead wis-sh or what?" asks the snake. "No,no" responds Y/N while shaking his head, smile still plastered on his face. "It's just funny to see a wolf being scared of a mere spider." "Oh? So you find it funny, huh. Well tell me what are you? An incubus? Let me show what a mere spider can do to an incubus." replied the gang boss. "Oh, no, no I'm not an incubus I'm an dragon." explains the (h/c) head. "Ah! I see because you're a dragon you thing you're so much better than me, just because I'm a spider? Let me show you what a weak spider like me can do." the dragon only frowed at the respond. "That doesn't even make any sen-" bevor he was able to finish his sentence, a fist was trown against his face. Stumbling backwards the dragon holds his check. "Ha now lock at you! Where is your big mouth now, you freak?" yelled the demon to the leaders right side, between the snakes and his own laugher. Spitting right infront of Y/N's feet the spider glared down at him bevor speaking again "All bark and no bite. You aren't even worth my time. Now back to you, little fucker. Don't even think to run away a second time." The spider turns his attention back to the poor wolf, he grapped him by his neck and lifted him entirely of the ground. Gripping the silver demons hand, the small victim sinks his claws into his opponets flesh trying to get out of his capturers hold, to get atleast some air, but his capturer only grinned at the poor things atemps. "Hm~ maybe I shoud keep you as my pet. You look quite sweet with these tears." the gang leaders words were making the wolf even more scared of what will happen to him. "p-pweas, n-no" mubbled the little creature with tears streaming down his cheeks uncontrollably, his actions only making the gang brust out into a fit off louder laughter but between the laughter another voice spoke " You are fucking disgusting. The only reason why I regret my sins is because I have to be around with such disgusting fucks like you." Silence fell over the group as all they're attention was on the voices owner. In front of them stands (Y/N), his (e/c) covered by his (h/c) hair. Letting out a sigh, he runs his hand through his hair so that his face was now completely in view. "I really didn't want to get my hands dirty but I guess it can't be helped." Not being happy by the dragon demons words the spider commands his workers to take care of him. "Go have fun with him. Oh and one last thing! Make sure to crush him like an ant." he says while letting go of the wolf only to step on him so that he stays in place. His workers take a strong grip on they're knifes, snickering like hyenas while making they're way towards they're prey. While the snake demon stayed a bit behind, his partner sprinted towards Y/N knife ready to dril into his flesh. The weapon was now a few inches away from his throat and just as the demon was about to stab Y/N, a hand with long sharp nails drils itself into the weaponed demons shoulder making him drop his knife. Falling to his knees in pain, a scream escapes the once grinning demon, the predator turned into the prey within a second. Unfaced by the pained expression Y/N rippes the demons arm completely off and throws it onto the ground. Tears start to stream down his opponent's face, but this weren't like the wolfs tears, this tears weren't pure. Starting to get annoyed by his enemies  screaming, he kicks his foot against the crying demons head with full strength, so that his head slams against the ground. The hit and impact knocking the demon out, his once moving body became still while blood started to paint the ground even more red. With a cold look Y/N's eyes move to the other two gang members waiting for ther next move but they only stare back at him until the leader gains his courage back. "What are you waiting for! Go kill him!" he yells at the snake. Panic starts to spread through gray, blue scaled demon, holding his weapon now with both claws. Carefully he moves closer to the dragon, not bothered by his actions the (e/c) man picks up the knife and starts to walk towards his next victim, trying to back away, the snake takes a few steeps back. Y/N continues to walk towards him until he's right infront of his enemy. "Go on, attack me." he says calmly, with shaking claws the snake raises the knife and hesitantly holds his weapon in the air. Annoyed Y/N lets out a huff "How annoying, do you think I have all day or what? If you won't make the first hit then I will." Black eyes grow wide but bevor the owner could say anything a knife was plugged into his chest and drawn up and down so that his entire  stomache was cut open. Letting the knife in the chest, the dragon puts his hands into the cut and rips the chest and stomach of the snake apart, so that the organs start to fall out. Letting go of the now death demon the male trys to shake the blood of his hands a bit. " Oh come on, this clothes were new and now they're already drained with blood." mumbled the male to himself not noticing the tall figure behinde him ready to smack his head open. Right bevor the baseball bat could contact with his back head, Y/N quickly ducks making the bat hit nothing. quickly the(h/c) male uses his claws to grap his attackers leg so hard that it starts to bleed, in return he gets a grunt from the silver spider. Taking this as his chance the dragon gets back on his feet and jumps on the now former gang leader taking him with himself back onto ground. The fall making the spider bang his head against the ground, a bit blood starts to flow, but unlike his once worker, the only effect of the fall was, that his entire vision is blurred. Not even giving the spider demon a second Y/N ramms his hand straight through his enemies chest, he fells a bit through his chest until he gets a hold of the heart and pulls it out. The demon under him let's out a blood curling scream making a few passing by demons turn their heads towards the direction of the sound, after a few seconds they all continue what they were doing. Standing back up Y/N throws the heart away, not noticing the small wolfs presents still here, he musters him for a bit bevor starting to make his way to the store. "t-thank you." mumbled a small voice, Y/N stops and glances at the wolf behind him. Letting out another sigh he gives a dry respond "You really should learn how everything works here, if you don't want to die again. You have to learn how to stay out of trouble and dont trust others so easily." Turning his attention back to the way infront of him, Y/N starts to walk again not bothering to give wolf another glance.

Walking down the streets Y/N doesn't know what will still except him.


Idk whoever decided to read this book because I just nearly ripped my hair out from reading what I wrote in the past and all the mistakes I made. Gonna try and rewrite everything, if I get back into the Hazbin Hotel fandom again.

Here is how Alice and the new Wolf look like (I can't draw so I made them in gacha club)

Here is how Alice and the new Wolf look like (I can't draw so I made them in gacha club)

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