Pre-face: Going Home

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Going back home to Beacon Hills was never an option for me. Not after her death. My mom's murder. They said in the Coroner's report, that it was an animal attack, but only I knew the truth.
They said the same thing about the 'John Doe' they found lying beside her at the crime scene. The 'John Doe' was the guy that murdered my mom. I was there that night....

~ Flashback ~

It was my Senior Prom and I was going with Peter Hale, of all people, as a favor from his sister Talia, of course. I wanted to go with Derek but he took someone else, and I wasn't going alone like a loser.
So when Peter asked me, even though he didn't go to school and that we were allowed to ask people outside of school, I said yes. I mean, after all I guess I kinda had to after what had happened a year ago.
As I walked downstairs to leave, my mom yelled "Wait,wait. I want to get a picture before you leave!" Ugh! "Mom I'm late as it is, if I don't go now then I'll miss everything." I went for the door and heard her say "Marisa Love McCall-" Ugh, I hate it when she uses my full name! "These are the very last moments I have before you go off to college and get your teacher degree. Let me have these last little moments left?" She said as a tear fell. "Oh, Mom!" I said as I ran and gave her a hug and finished with "I'm still your little girl, but that little girl has to grow up at some point. I'll be back every holiday and for your birthday. After four years of college at UCLA I'll have my degree and come back. Besides we all know that we need a few more good teachers like you, mom.

~ Present Marisa's POV ~

I was supposed to be at my Senior Prom, but I was half way there when I realized that I didn't have my corsage that Peter had given me. So I went back home to get it, I saw him kill my mom..... And then I killed him.. My own Biological Father. My real dad Amos McCall will always be my dad. Not that MONSTER! He may have given me a gift, but he will always be a monster to me!!!



Hello my Beautiful & Handsome Readers! Yes this a Teen Wolf Fanfic and I know that there are many of them out there based on McCalls sister or his twin sister or whatever... But I thought that I would make it as his older 20 something cousin. There is going to be a LOVE Triangle between??? Any guess'? No! Between Peter, Her, and Derek! Or maybe even a certain Deputy! Dun, Dunn, Dunnnn! I know, I know! But I can't help that I love them both, but there's a reason why Peter is involved in it. But that will come in a later chapter in a flashback sort of thing. The image above is what she would've worn if she went to her Prom, just ignore the watermark thing bc I had to use an app to get the shoes and dress into 1 pic! Happy reading! :)

I DO NOT OWN Teen wolf series nor do I have the rights to copy it any way shape or form! I ONLY OWN the characters that come to me through my IMAGINATION! This is just for my and my readers enjoyment!

Thank You,

April Love (DamonsLoveSlave)

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