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"That was a disaster, The mayor is furious" She paced around us "I've lost count of the angry people, Emails, and people in the town. Alumni and parents, They want answers the so do I" her eyes flared with her fingers pointing to us "We would lead the inquisition"

"You both are on very, thin ice. water-thin ice" she glared at us "We swear on our late scorpion's soul, our hands are clean," I said giving her the best smile I could possibly force out.

"I may not have hard evidence on you but I see you" her eyes twitched "You're trouble magnets" "if that means standing up to lies" My sister got up "decades of discrimination, centuries of treating outcasts like second-class citizens or worse..."

"What are you talking about," the woman asked as I got comfy in my chair "Jericho, Why does this town even have an Outreach day? Don't you know the real history of outcasts, The real story of Joseph Crackstone?"

"I do, to the extent" The woman replied, "Then why be complicit in its cover-up?" I smile crossing my legs before leaning back "Those who forget history are doomed"

"That's why you and I differ," She said to Wednesday "Where you see doom, I see opportunity maybe it's a chance to rewrite the wrong to start a new chapter in the normie-outcast relations" She smiled "Nothing has changed since Crackstone, They hate us only now they sugar coat it with platitudes and smiles."

"Look woman, If you're unwilling to fight for the truth" I butted in but was cut by her walking straight for me "You don't think I want the truth? Of course, I do the world isn't always black and white there are shades of gray"

"Maybe for you" Wednesday stepped in front of me blocking my sight of the principal" Maybe for you, But it's either we write our story or they do you can't have it both ways," my sister said calmly "you're exhausting"

"I know"


Finishing my shower I watch as Enid struggled to pick out her clothes "so glad I have my date with Ajax tonight, after that trainwreck of an afternoon" Enid muttered showing her all her outfits "It wasn't that bad"

"I literally think I have PTSD, I didn't even get to do my dance routine" I rolled my eyes "What a tragedy" "What kind of twisted psycho would want to sabotage such a life-affirming event"

"you're going to be late Enid" she muttered something before leaving, "hey, I'm going for a walk," Wednesday said suddenly getting up from her chair "Oh yeah, Sure okay"

I stared blankly as she shut the door behind her, Kicking my legs I lay on my bed flipping through the pages with headphones on trying to get my mind off whatever Ajax was doing to her.

at this point, I can't tell between my feelings, I hesitated but got up. My pajamas were a little loose but alright, walking towards her bed I put my hand on it, "You know what, she's going to be gone for a while anyways" I mumbled to myself.

Laying myself down on her bed I got comfortable plugging my headphones in, Holding up my book I took a deep breath. Her shampoo smells nice, I held in my smile flipping through the pages.

My eyes were heavy already due to the song playing through my headphones, shuffling around I found a comfortable position holding onto one of her stuffed animals. "She wouldn't mind would she"

Tracing my fingers along the stuffed bear I felt childish leaving a peck on the bear, Suddenly the door swung open with a loud bang. I shot up staring at the girl who looked both mad and confused,

"Enid, I assumed you were still with Ajax" The confused look faded showing sadness and something else I couldn't figure out. Her eyes were red, and so was the tip of her nose.

"What happened?" Her eyes softened, Usually, I get a certain rush of happiness when I see someone I don't like crying. But this, this was different.

Walking towards me the girl tried wiping her tears but it wouldn't stop, I knew exactly what happened. "Mhmm, Enid, Don't cry. I told you, boys are useless"

She cried even more laying down beside me "Why would he stand me up if he was the one who asked" She choked out, I sighed laying back down and hearing the faith sound of music muffling through my headphones.

She turned to look at me with pleading eyes, looking the other way as if she hesitated she got up and lowered herself next to me, "You were right," She mumbled

"Huh? I couldn't hear you" The girl glared at me "Asshole" Enid wiped her tears holding in a smile as i made myself comfortable I knew damn well this is the only time I'm sleeping here.

Her peach perfume made my nose hurt, But it was quite enjoyable "Does anyone tell you, you smell nice"

Slowly turning to look at me I didn't want to make eye contact with her, as I heard her disconnect my headphones she replied"not really, Yoko does" I could tell she was going to play something.

Childish Gambino started playing, "seriously? Childish Gambino?" laughing she hit my shoulder "Shut up" "really though, You smell really nice, it's pleasing" I tried to not make it awkward.

"Soo is your eyes" I laughed at the ceiling still not wanting to make eye contact, but after a few moments of silence, I realise she was being genuine "You're serious? You like Brown eyes?"

"At least yours" She nodded, "Very Flattering Sinclair" A few deep breaths later I was pretty sure she was still crying "Look Ajax missed out, You're really attractive Enid"

A couple of moments later filled with silence I realized what I had said, taking a deep breath I hoped she didn't take much focus on what I said. I felt a hand sneak up on my cheek forcing me to make eye contact.

Facing her I could feel her breath lingering on my lips, She was still gasping from crying. using her Elbow for support she leaned in kissing me making my whole body shiver from the sudden contact,

Pulling back I pursed my lips, "you're very vulnerable right now" She opened her mouth with the tip of her tongue showing, "I know what I want Claire" Was the last thing she said before wrapping her arms around my neck.

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now