We all feel alive sometimes and sometime dead.Agree?...of,course you do.but, when exactly are we alive.what exactly these small words mean"being alive".....no...let me first ask what exactly living means. Isn't it all about the very simple process of breathing in and out the air fair or polluted around us.....some of you disagree,don't you?. but it is true...trust me...it's all about these breathes...when ever you are stressed you feel dead...try long breathes and ..there you are...feeling lively..alive. so, trust me it's all about breathe.
Being alive means being relaxed , a dead one can be made to feel alive if he is made to breathe . It is as simple as we take long breathes when we are stressed to be relaxed.
That is we become alive from dead, we seek temporary life from temporary death. But is this so easy to seek real life from real death , even then it is as simple as breathing , but then breathing is no more easy .you too think the same way,don't you.
It's of course not simple , we would have to live dead for a long time in the same world as we lived alive.
Being alive is not easy , every one says this , and many try being dead when stressed but then they come to know that is worst.
Being alive is best if you really are alive . Most of us are confused where we are ,in the world of death ,or, of life , because world of life is that which makes us feel alive feel relaxed .The rules of this world are very strange , extremely strange. When we are alive we are pushed into the world of death . When we are alive that is relaxed every one else in the world seems dead, that is stressed. And when we are dead or stressed we see every one else on the planet alive that is happy, relaxed.
you are not getting what i am saying, are you. if yes, then must not be from this world ,or this planet at least....oh...oh..oh..oh..
These are the facts of virtual death and life .and this is what we call BEING ALIVE.
How it feels-----LIVING DEAD
SpiritualIs it better - Living dead than living alive? If you think yes is the answer then you must read it. This is story of a dead. This is about How it feels----living dead