Chapter Two

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Tomioka-san is a mystery.

That is what I was thinking, walking beside him on the way to the Butterfly Estate. He's cold, blunt, yet shy. No expression crosses his face, save for his eyes. And even that, you had to learn how to read.

He lives at the Butterfly Estate, between missions. The Water Hashira doesn't have an estate; I suspect that it is because he would be alone there. I told him so. He didn't respond, as usual. I, however, didn't give up at making conversation.

"Where was your mission, Tomioka-san? I know we met up in Tokyo, but was that where you were?" My hands flutter at my sides as I speak. A few years ago, this simple act would have been foreign to me. But a few years ago, she was still here. 

"Yes." The only response I will get. I sigh.

"If you don't mind, I'm a little hungry. We haven't had anything since last night, and it's already afternoon. Can we stop somewhere for a while?" The Butterfly Estate would be a few hours still, and my stomach felt hollow.

Tomioka-san stops suddenly, as if he hadn't considered that humans experience things like hunger and thirst. He fishes for something in the pocket of his haori, and retrieves a box of triangle-shaped onigiri. He holds out the box of rice balls. 

I shake my head. "I can't take your food, Tomioka-san. What will you eat?" 

"I'm not hungry."

I raise my brows. "You have to eat. We've been walking a while now, and you haven't even-Tomioka-san, what happened to your hand?" He hides his swollen wrist, tugging the sleeve of his haori over it, but I have already seen it. It's turning an awful color. 

"Ne, Tomioka-san." My voice is dangerously sweet. "Is it because you think I'm an incompetent doctor? That I can't treat you?" When I first joined the Hashira, they thought I was incapable, because I couldn't chop off a demon's head. I did not care, then. I'd had Mitsuri and Kanao and the girls from the Estate on my side, and it was enough for me. But for some reason, the thought that he might think the same is more than I can bear.

He opens his mouth, but I do not give him a chance to speak. "Either way, that is unacceptable. Please be forthcoming about any future injuries." My voice is steel as I take his hand and bind it temporarily with fallen bamboo pieces I picked off the ground earlier. 

I drop his hand, and turn to march ahead of him, my cheeks coloring. Why had I allowed my anger to surface? He stops me, his fingers barely brushing my wrist. I whirl around, eyes wide. I forget to smile.


He pulls his hand back quickly, lowering his lashes. I realize I've never seen him flustered before. My skin tingles. "I don't think you're incompetent," he says.

"I-I see. Then why-?"

"I was embarrassed about the way I sustained it." His words rush one over another. I have not heard him say so much for a while. I tilt my head in question. He sighs, and looks away, knowing he must answer. "I tripped over a dog."

"Oh," I say. "I'm sorry. I may have overreacted." I turn away to hide my embarrassment. Suddenly, I have to stifle a laugh. I cannot imagine Tomioka-san, precise and swift-footed and nimble, tripping over a dog. Then I shoot him a look over my shoulder. 

"Don't let it happen again. Hiding an injury, not tripping over a dog."

He nods, and we walk the rest of the way to the Butterfly Estate. I think, for the first time, I've learnt a bit about Tomioka-san, instead of the other way around. I've seen his embarrassed face, the way he lowers his lashes.

It's almost....endearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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