First Day

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

"Why are we part of this father?" Veronica scowled as we stood outside of the main entrance, schoolbag on her shoulder as she grimaced at the other students. "Aren't we better off going to a private academy?"

Unlike myself and Margaret, Veronica was reluctant to be a part of Britannia Academy. She often described it as a failure waiting to happen, all of the students there being the kindling for another Holy War. As a result my sister wanted to stay far away from the school and anything to do with it. In fact she had protested against her going here ever since father proposed the idea, going to great lengths to try and avoid coming in. One of those had been particularly extreme, Veronica setting her uniform on fire in an effort to say that she didn't have anything to wear. Luckily father had a spare.

"And how would that look on the school?" Our father raised a brow at her, his look saying it all. "If the lead director and mayor of Britannia doesn't send his daughters here, then everyone will think he has no belief in the school at all. We can't have that happening."

Veronica grumbled at that, knowing that she had met her match. There was no arguing against father when it came to the future of the academy. He valued it more than most would think. But of course that made her even more stroppy towards the very idea of attending it.

"It's not that bad, Veronica," Margaret sighed, resting a hand on Veronica's shoulder. "Father made sure to include state-of-the-art equipment and everything. This school will be like a private academy, but with all the races instead of predominately one."

"Yes, and that's much better right?" I smiled, helping to back up my older sister's argument. "History and Culture classes will be much easier with more varied students!"

Veronica simply huffed at our attempts to cheer her up, shrugging off Margaret's hand and my smile. With no other words she then stomped off, disappearing into haggle of students stood outside and leaving the three of us by the parking lot. Clearly Veronica didn't want any reasons why this place was great nor why we should give it a try. In fact she wanted it burned to the ground, likely not enjoying the fact that she was stuck here until father would let her go to another school. She had expressed as much last night, saying that she would rather die than go to Britannia.

But why did she hate it so much?

"Thank you for trying to cheer her up, girls," My father sighed, a tired hand sweeping over his face. Everything he has went into this school. He's looked increasingly tired towards the opening day, often spending whole nights working on all the final details. "It seems you two took the news better than Veronica. But then again, I can't blame her..."

I frowned slightly while Margaret nodded at father's words, seeming to understand something I was missing. Something that seemed important since Veronica was unhappy due to this unknown reason. I should ask what it is; perhaps I could help if I knew why Veronica was unhappy.

"Why not?" I blink, studying my sister and father as I puzzled over what his statement could mean.

"Oh nothing important, Elizabeth," Margaret shook her head, answering before father could. She then grabbed me by the shoulders, shooting a smile at father. "Veronica's just grumpy because of the change. It'll take time, but she'll adjust. Meanwhile we'll do our best to make you proud father, right Ellie?"

I'm very flustered at the sudden abruptness of my sister, startled by how the conversation had suddenly switched subject. However it is not something I'm unused to, so I easily gather my senses and smile.

"Yes. We'll do our best."

I give a nod and my father smiles.

"Thank you girls," He gave a nod, something unspoken being shared between himself and Margaret.

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