Part 2- putting our plan in motion

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You drink this, Jungkook said to jisoo aggressively, "no, I don't want to drink nothing from you", Jisoo said with a sad look on her face as tear drops fell onto her cheeks

Drink it or I'll have to shove it down your throat, which do you prefer, Jungkook said angrily with a glass of drink in his hand, jisoo then took the glass and looked at him

Are you killing me with this, Jisoo said with a sad look as she eagerly wanted to get out of there, "Drink", Jungkook said then jisoo drunj the glass of water then she fell asleep from the drink

I can't afford for you to die, not again, I'll protect you no matter what, Jungkook softly said with his hand roaming through her beautiful black hair



Hello wolves, did you miss me, Jimin said, "why the fuck are you here", Scott said
Oh that's not how you greet an old friend now is it, Jimin said

What is it that you want, Scott replied, "let me in", Jimin said, "not till you tell me what your here for", Scott said, "Do you want me to kill you, invite me in now, it's about business nothing less", Jimin said

Fine, you can now enter, Scott said, "good, now where is it", Jimin said, "where is what", Scott said

The vamp dust that can use to rub on any weapon to kill even the most dangerous of demons, vampires and even angels, I need it, Jimin said

I gave it to someone, Jimin said, "you gave it to who", Jungkook said glaring at Scott angrily, "what would I get in return of telling you this, Beside your brother killed my girlfriend, when I see you low life vampires I just wanna kill you filthy creatures", Scott said

Hmm(Jimin smirked), Neath i remind you that I am the reason why your alpha, I can easily kill you and take that roll, so either your with me or against me, and I don't think you wanna be against me. One snap and these fingers and all your jack can be dead, so choose, and choose wisely, Jimin said to Scott

Fine, It was your brother taehyung, Scott saod knowing that Jimin meant his every word, "Good boy and you'll get a reword in return as long as you follow and do everything I tell you to", Jimin said then he walked out Scott's house and went back to the Apartment


Jennie , come here, Jungkook said, Yes what is it, Jennie replied, your a succubus, right, Jungkook said looking at Jennie, Yes, what's is it, Jennie replied then Jungkook whispered in her ear

*Jennie smirked*~ well you know I'm good at that, I'll make sure to get it, just meet me in my room at 3 don't be late, or the deal is off, Jennie saod touching Jimins lips 

Hmm, it won't be off even if I decide not to go, Jungkook said then he gripped Jennie's small waist line, you belong to me remember, and my every control so don't play around, And I'll be your fucking nightmare,  Jungkook said

I love it when you talk dirty, and I'll get it so lay low and plan the rest out, Jennie said

You better get it, Jungkoon said, "you know I will", Jennie said then she walked out the room

Oh I love this, Jimin said then am he sat in his seat as he knows when he's done carrying out with his plan, everyone would fall down one by one, and they won't see it coming, I mean how could they not right, he had the weapon that can kill a hybrid and a dust that he wants that could kill any creatures of supernatural and wanting to control the human world, this is just the beginning of the most tragic end


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