Uh this is annoying, Nini said then she walked out of the bathroom after putting jisoo into a stall in the bathroom.
*Jimin then watched jisoo aka NiNi as saw Nini making her way to Jungkook*
Did you ran away from me- Jungkook said looking at jisoo
No I didn't, I just felt a little light headed that's all, NINI said then she looked at Taehyung the person she was targeting
I'm gonna go talk to Tawhyung a little, NiNi said but Jungkook pulled her back. May I ask for what reason- Jungkook said looking at her
I have something to give to him- NINI said but Jungkook then held her wrist firmly
Yeah and what is that- Jungkook said then NINI looked at Namjoon who was approaching the situation which made Jungkook let go her wrist
I wanna talk to you about something, in private- Namjoon said, and don't worry about her she'll be fine, there is a lot of persons here and she's human- Namjoon said then he pulled Jungkook to a private lace which gave NINI the chance to approach Taehyung
Can I talk to you in private, NINI said to Tawhyung
I'm sure you can see that he's busy- Jennie said then NINI gripped her hand and sinked her nails into Jennie's skin
Hm, as you wanna utter another word, I'm having a very bad day and your just pissing me off- Nini said with a devil look in her eyes, noticing this jimin smirk whipped off his face as he realized now he had competition with the most deadliest female vampire Nini he had recognized her
You bitch- Jennie said in pain then she kicked Nini which made minis body moved a little by the blow. You really gotta do better than that if you wanna kill 1,000 year old vampire- Nini said then she grabbed Jennie's neck and looked at Taehyungs directions who was now conscious of what he was doing
You with me- Nini said looking at taehyung who was infuriated by her and started to attack her which made everyone turn to look at them
Silly boy, you should of listened pretty cheeks- Nini said then she tossed Jennie's body onto taehyung and grabbed jimins hand who was trying to took out her heart
Hahaha- Nini laughed then she threw jimin to the ground
Where is the shadow dust, she's coming after it- Namjoon said. Who is coming after it- Jungkook said raising a brow, ....Nini and I believe she's already here, so if you have the dust give it to me so that I can- Namjoon was going to finish till he heard the crashing of glasses which made him and Jungkook ran to red scream
You know, I expected a lot from you of all people taehyung, where is the rush of blood you once had, the boy who would do anything to kill and you Jimin the bad one. Maybe it's because you know your just weak- Nini said while using her heal ti step into jimins chest
And would you look at that, my plan is ruined but I won't let you lunatics get in the way of what I want and my possessions- Nini said till she heard Jungkooks voice from behind her
Oh I've missed you so much- Nini said waking up to Jungkook then she touched his face which he slapped her hand away and angrily griped her hand, he was squeezing her hand so hard that it began it bleed
You've gotten stronger but a lot softer to how you use to be, let me help you to be the monster you once were- Nini said then Jungkook shoved her body
Okay I'm done playing games- Nini said getting up angrily, so you want me to play the villain alright then so fucking be it I'm now the villain- Nini said then she used her vamp speed to go to the bathroom took up jisoo and brought her back in front of everyone
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She then grip jisoo by her hair and looked at Jungkook and Taehyung. If I don't get that dust within three days I'll kill her and also I'll have to kill all of you here and take it myself and whipe out all of you so make a choice, and I know how much you all need this pathetic human . so Tik Tok Tik, the clock is ticking, Nini said then she speeded out of their with Jisoo