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Niharika and Arun had a fight. It was a petty issue. Who would be eliminated from Big Boss? They had a disagreement then a fight.

So, we were jogging. It was a cool summer evening. It's a good thing that there are numerous trees in railways areas to curb the dust that spreads during train loading and unloading materials like coal. So, it is always cool as the night falls. 

"Shree! can you help me with my back? It's aching." Ravi called out from the cricket ground. He was sitting on the bench. He was my schoolmate; we were not great friends but the types that reacted on each other's WhatsApp status every time after seeing. We were just very social with each other.

"What happened?" I ran towards him knowing well Niharika was pouting. But would you blame me?  What would you do if your friend rants about celebs you don't even know. Yet, Niharika came along.

"I slept in the wrong way and my back is stiff since then. Do something." He pleaded.

Here's the things pain, and stiffness are my thing, in the sense that I treat them efficiently. I am a physiotherapy student. Be it sports, neurological trauma, grandparents, pregnant women and specially-abled children, I can come handy.  I use no medications or surgeries but just my hands.

(So, the video is there for you to check out what I can do)

"Okay, take a deep breath, relax." I spoke to him in my medical professional tone and used my fingers to palpate his back. I found the nerve that was causing the problem and gently pushed it down. Click.

"Ohh" he moaned.

"How was that?" I said in pride.

He moved his shoulder front and back. "Wow! that feels good. Thanks Shree." he said appreciatingly.

"Good job, Shree, can we go now? " Niharika poked.

"Uh, yes." I replied with unsurety.

But Niharika didn't acknowledge my unwillingness and continued to torture me through the next few rounds of the jog.

It wasn't until Jignesh intruded did she stop.

"Hi" He blocked our paths to say that.

"Yeah, is that Jignesh Patel who can lie to people for Cadbury's? " I said sternly.

"Hello." Niharika pitched in.

"Ha ha, not sure about what you heard about me, but one must be aware of their surroundings." He replied back.

"And if one is good at cricket doesn't mean, they should play with other people. Other people are quite busy with their work." I argued. He lifted his hand in surrender.

"Look, Sam's sis, I am not here to fight. Ravi just told me; you are studying to be a physiotherapist. Can you look at my wrist? " he said.

"Shree is my name. And I charge for looking." I returned the attitude he was giving me. Niharika stifled a laugh. She was enjoying the show.

"Okay, Shree, nice meeting you, Doc. How much do you charge?" he asked

"Two Cadbury's." I replied and then Niharika started laughing like a madwoman.

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