It's All About Protection

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Santa Monica, California
Monday, February 26, 2018
(6:00 pm)

Lindsey had already circled the block twice and was still not calming down.

The Sirius radio in his car was tuned to the 1970s station and he was trying to breathe along to the gentle melody of "Drift Away" by Dobie Gray. He had to calm down before he went upstairs to Stevie. She didn't deserve the worst of him, and if she knew why he was so angry, she'd get worried...and he was hoping it would all be okay without having to upset her. Stevie deserved nothing from him but love and support and happiness after everything they'd been through. He had to calm down.

Beginnin' to think that I'm wastin' time...I don't understand the things I do...The world outside looks so unkind...Now I'm countin' on you to carry me through...Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul...I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away..."

It was starting to rain as he pulled into the parking structure and got into the elevator up to the penthouse apartment he'd come to think of as home. He took several deep breaths, checked his phone so he wouldn't have to do it in front of Stevie, who hated people lost in their phones when they were talking to her. He saw a missed call from John McVie, which he would remind himself to return later, and a text from Kristen.

I'm not going to bother you about it anymore today, but I'm not being unreasonable here. You have to give me this.

Any attempt at staying calm had gone to waste, he thought as he typed his response.

I'm heading home for the evening. We can discuss this with lawyers present. I'm not going over this with you on a text. Have a good night.

He put his key in the door of the apartment and was instantly surrounded by the smell of dinner cooking, and the sound of the exact same song playing on the stereo as he'd been listening to in the car. He was instantly greeted by Lily barking at his feet, and he bent down to pet her as he became aware of Stevie's voice in the kitchen, singing along to the music.

"And when my mind is know a melody can move me...And when I'm feelin' blue...a guitar's comin' through to soothe me...Thanks for the joy that you've given me...I want you to know I believe in your song...and rhythm and rhyme and harmony...You've helped me along, makin' me strong...Oh, give me the beat, boys, and free my soul...I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away..."

He'd been thinking he had to maintain his calm for Stevie, but it suddenly occurred to him that it was Stevie herself that calmed him down, made him instantly better no matter what was going on, filled him with an overwhelming sense of warmth and well being as soon as he heard her voice or looked into her eyes.

"I'm home," he announced from the foyer, and Stevie appeared with a smile from the kitchen. She wore leggings and a long gray sweater and her gray Ugg slippers, and her hair flew out behind her like one of her capes as she hurried towards him for a kiss.

"Hi, sweetheart!" She flung her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. His arms went around her, his fingers tangling into her hair, and he was instantly fine. He forgot all about the argument with Kristen and her lawyer over property and custody, dangling Stella, their only child under eighteen, in front of him as a bargaining chip. All he could feel was Stevie, standing on tiptoes and holding him close as their mouths explored the familiar taste of home. She tasted like Merlot and vanilla, which told him two things - she'd already opened the wine, and she'd been snacking on Animal Crackers while she cooked. He couldn't kiss her enough, couldn't hold her tight enough. She was just so sweet and warm and adorable and happy to see him walk through the door that he had to tell himself not to cry.

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