3rd person pov

Baku woke up in his dog house (I don't know what to call it bear with me.) By the, now rising sun, it seemed to be early dawn, which meant it was time to fix Kuromi breakfast. Baku moved up from his laying down position.

He felt quite refreshed, maybe it was that sweet lullaby that was lingering in his mind. It didn't matter now, what did matter it the food he had to make for Kuromi-sama.


Baku climbed up onto Kuromi's bed, watching her sleep soundly for a few seconds, then trying to shake her awake.

"Kuromi-sama, ~zona, Kuromi-sama wake up ~zona."
Baku nudged, but he got nothing more then a stirred push and a tired "noo let me sleep more.." from Kuromi. Baku began to shake Kuromi harder, attempting to atleast stir her awake.

"Kuromi-sama it's time to get up ~zona, or you'll miss breakfast."

Kuromi's foot made contact with Baku's chin in a swift motion, Baku immediately knew that she was awake.


Baku picked up the plain food with his fork, lifting it to his mouth. The sqeak of a door meant nothing to him. But the voice did.
"Sorry I'm late, I slept in."
Baku looked up to see Azumi.

In Uta's uniform

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In Uta's uniform.
Azumi slid into her seat in the middle of the dinning table, where a plate of eggs, pancakes and sausages with a glass of milk, sat before her. Azumi picked up the closest fork to the plate and began to eat, staring from the outside in.


Azumi placed the now empty glass on the table, which was immediately picked up by Sebastián and stood up from her seat, taking the brown colored and slinging it over her shoulder. "Are you nervous, Azumi-sama?" Sebastián asked taking the dishes to the kitchen.

"A little. Why do you ask, Sebastián?"
Azumi checked her bag, Sebastián peered back at the girl.
"I thought you looked a little different. My mistake, Azumi-sama." Sebastián said before disappearing into the kitchen. Azumi stiffened, looking down at her body for a second.

Baku looked at the grey haired girl, it did look like her hair was a bit longer, maybe like an inch or so, but he brushed it off as it just grew a amount. "I just need to do one more adjustment and I'll be out the door, I'll be right back." She called out to Sebastián and speed walking in the direction of her room, a cold sweat breaking onto her face.


Azumi stepped out of the black car and looked up at the large school. She slipped a piece of paper from her bag and looked at the numbers. 187. Azumi bit her bottom lip and walked into the school.

"Now before we start our lesson, there will be a new student joining us as of now."
Once the professor said the last word and before the class could start murmuring, the door opened and a person walked to the middle of the room, turning to the class. Uta looked up, and was partially shocked.

Azumi bowed, her cheeks decorated with a rosy blush

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Azumi bowed, her cheeks decorated with a rosy blush.
"My name is Hiiragi Azumi, though, please call me Azumi."
Azumi said, then she lifted her body to look at the class.
"Any questions?"
Uta raised her hand, Azumi's grey eyes traveled to the orange haired girl.

"Yes, you?"
Azumi pointed to Uta.
Uta retracted her hand from the air.
"Uhm...You're last name is Hiiragi. Are you related to Hiiragi Keiichi?"
Uta asks, Azumi leaned back on the desk.

"Yes, I actually am, I'm his younger sister."

The girls in the class lit up and started to ask incoherent questions.

"But please don't ask me any kind of personal stuff 'bout him, I have some redeeming qualities too."
Azumi shrugged slightly, holding her hands infront of her body, the amulet on her chest glowing a dim light. The questions immediately ceased.
"Alright, go and take a seat."
The professor said sitting back in his seat. Azumi nodded and walked near the back taking a seat in the empty one next to Mana.


My Melody sat on the white and red checkered blanket as the three girls conversed, adding little contributions herself, but still freezing up whenever anyone else would get close to the blanket. My Melody stopped talking with the group for a minute, making Uta worry for her stuffed animal companion.
"My Melo? Are you okay?"
Uta asked, as the group died down their conversation and a shadow casted on the blanket. Uta looked at the blanket then infront of her.

"Oh! Azumi-chan!"
"Hi, Yumeno, right?"
Azumi waved, and looked at the white and pink stuffed animal.
"Cute stuffed animal, where'd you get it?"

She asked, gesturing to My Melody, Uta stuttered for an answer, until Mana answered for her. "J-Just some cutesy shop, down the road from her house!"
Mana interrupted Uta's stuttering.

Azumi hummed peering at My Melody as sweat staredted to run down My Melody's face.
"Cool, I might check it out."
Azumi said, before walking off to a bench, shaded by a tree. My Melody and the group let out a sigh of relief.

"Opsie daisy we were almost caught/ till a kite grabbed our sights!"
Miki rhythmed together smiling brightly, while the girls and My Melody looked at the girl with a dumbfounded look.


Azumi halted looking at the colorful poster for a play, 'gutsman!' It read, Azumi tilted her head, and noted the location on the poster and walked away, typing on her costume flipphone.

<timeskip again>

Azumi opened the doors to the mansion, pocketing her phone.
"Welcome home, Azumi-sama!"
(Azumi's) Sebastián welcomed, Azumi smiled and greeted the man in return. Azumi stopped infront of Hiiragi's door and opened the door to his room.
"Wanna go see 'Gutsman' with me?"
Azumi asked leaning on the door frame as the young man packed his violin up into its case.

"Azumi. You know that I don't have time for something as foolish as that. Take (your) Sebastián." Hiiragi didn't even turn around to meet his sisters annoyed eyes.
Azumi muttered closing the door to the room and looking at the large clock in the hall. I got time to kill.

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