and she feels like home

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Taylor hums to herself as she takes off her makeup in their bathroom mirror. Joe watches through the open door, entranced as the shimmery glamor is wiped away to reveal her soft features. He loves her in all forms but, as much as she refuses to believe it, this is his favorite. Cozy and braless in an old t-shirt and pink sweatpants. He can't help himself. He rolls out of bed and joins her at the sink despite having already brushed his teeth and washed his face.

"Hey," he murmurs, resting his chin on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her. She turns to kiss him and he notices that her lips are stained pink from the lipstick she was wearing. He tastes the champagne on her breath from the party.

"What's up?" she giggles, turning to face him.

He shrugs. "I just missed you."

The admission makes her blush. "You just saw me this morning! I missed you too, though." Her voice goes soft.

He leans against the door frame as she brushes her teeth and goes through her skincare routine. When he was a kid he loved watching his mother get ready, and watching his girlfriend inspires a similar feeling of homey relaxation in him. Getting his makeup done on set always soothes him. Taylor's even done some looks for him for fun, straddling his lap as she studies palettes and sponges on eyeshadow. It's not a joke when she does it either, just like it isn't a joke when she confesses she feels more herself in the comfort and clean lines of a pantsuit over the pinched, sticky femininity of a ballgown.

"Why are you lurking?" she teases as she goes over to pee. He remembers how shy she used to be about things like that, as if seeing her perform normal human functions would somehow wake him from the trance of his attraction to her.

"I have a piss kink," he deadpans. She wrinkles her nose as she pulls her sweatpants back up.

"Ew." He can see the smile she's trying to hold back as she washes her hands.

"Wow, I can't believe you're kinkshaming me in my own home."

"Kinkshaming is my kink," she counters, quoting a vine she'd made him watch in a compilation years ago. Memes and internet trends have always been way more her thing, especially so in the beginning of their relationship when she was on social media way more. She holds his face as she kisses him again. Her hands are a little damp, but he doesn't mind.

"Fuck, you got me there," he says between kisses.

He's been working out more lately for his new projects, but the best part by far about his new physique is his ability to lift her. She hops up and loops her legs around him, and he deposits her on the bed as gently as he can. "Do you want to have sex?" she asks.

He thinks for a second. "I don't know if I'm quite up for it tonight, to be honest."

"Okay, good. Me neither." They make out for a while instead, before his breathing starts to slow and it's getting harder to keep his eyes open. Taylor moves to trace her fingers over his face and through his hair. It's been six years, but every moment with her still fills him with warmth and gratitude. He loves how the rough, calloused tips of her fingers contrast with the softness of the pads. He loves how they take care of each other.

"Are you gonna be able to get to sleep?" he mumbles. It's a lot better now, but he remembers when more than four hours was a miracle for her at the beginning of their relationship.

"I think so. I'll take a melatonin if I'm still up in like an hour."

"M'kay. Love you."

"Love you too," she whispers, sending a tingle down his spine and warmth blooming through his chest.

Today was a good day. No soaring highs or weeping lows, but he would gladly take the mundane over and over if she was there with him through it. Any of it, actually. She's the sweet and silly on his darkest days and his mastermind partner-in-crime on his shiniest ones. And when she's feeling unmoored, he's happy to be her anchor. They were kids when they fell in love, really, and he sometimes still can't believe he found his forever person just like that, one dark night in a dive bar. They've grown up together in a lot of ways. He can't wait to see who she'll become next.

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