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Toni if you had a problem why didn't you just come to me?” he said as he put the letter down.

“it was none of your business”

“well now it is tell me. Is he hurting you?” Drake asked me.


“is he forcing you?” he asked me once more. I'm gonna kill him.


“Is he-” Drake said by I stopped him I didn't want to hear any of his questions for the night my head was already pounding and I'm not even at school yet.

“No! I don't want to talk about this can you just leave me alone!” I yelled at him and ran to my room closing the door.


We have school in a couple of minutes and I didn't want to go. I didn't want to talk to Drake because I have most of my class with him and I didn't want to talk to Josh because he was Nancy and I just feel so dirty that I did that. I mean it was none of his business me and him aren't even dating and I'm perfectly fine in the relationship that I'm in. Right?

Knock knock

“If your Drake I don't want to talk to you” I said as whipped my tears off my pillow.

“it's auntie” she said.

I hid my sobbing pillow under my bed and wipe the tears off my face and opened up the door.

“honey, you have school today. Everyone's waiting for you” she said as she stayed towards the door.

“I'll be down in the morning”

“okay and honey-” she said and I looked towards her. “if you need anything to start the school day off please tell me and stop crying in here it hurts me so much when you cry” she said. I nodded and we headed off to school. I never thought that school ride would be so quiet.


So I was in history class with Drake And Josh. Honestly me being put next to Drake is the worst thing especially because now he was all in my business I just wanted everything to go away and I just wanted us to not know all about Josh being Nancy and responding to my note. She was talking about the theory of time travel and whether we believe it or not so she assigned us a 20 page essay to be finished by Monday and today was Wednesday which means 2 days of research because I'm not doing it Saturday and Sunday those are my chill days. I looked over at Drake he already started, I wonder what's he writing?

“What are you writing?”

“Oh nothing', just a poem.” said Drake as he wrote more.

“You write poetry?”

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