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Drake is unbelievable.” said Josh. “He's one of those guys who just gets away with anything, you know.” he added.

“Time for a snack.” said Drake.

“He does whatever he wants and, like never gets in trouble.” Josh said.

“Cake is good.” he said.

“It's like he leads a charmed life.
Must be nice.” Josh said.

“Me, I always try to do the right thing.” said Josh.

“Milk.” he said.

“I follow all the rules. 'Cause if I even think about doing something wrong..” he said and paused and says “I get busted.”

“I don't get it.” Josh said. Really Jealous. “I wish I knew Drake's secret.” he said.

“Just once, I'd like to get away with something..” he said and then put his feet on the coffee table.

“Josh, get your feet off the coffee table!” said Mrs Nicolas.

“Every time!”


“Where's Scottie's brother with the dune buggy?”

“Calm down. He'll be here any minute.” the guy said said. I want this so bad I heard you can crank the speed to eleven.

“I can't wait! I've never had a dune buggy before!”

“We're gonna buggy it up!” said Josh.

“Hello. Trevor, where are you?” said Drake.

“Who is it?”

“Scottie's brother.” said Drake said to us over the phone.

“Where is he?”

“You're lost?” Drake said over the phone.


“Okay, okay..Where are you right now?” said Josh.

“look around and tell me what you see.” said Drake.

“... and I see some bushes,
and a tree..” he said. “And a dog..
Boy dog” he said oh that must be our house.

“And I see you.” he added.

“You're here.”

“Where's the buggy?” he said.

“Open up the door.” said Drake.

“This is gonna be awesome.” said Josh man they are just shaking in their little boots.

“We can drive to the Zippy Mart whenever we want.” said Josh.

“We can drive girls to the Zippy Mart.” said Josh. “Yes..” said Josh.

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