Chapter 1

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"William, you can't pour your dinner on your nanny's head. We have talked about this before. You can't keep terrorizing them. Now I have to find you another nanny," Charles says to his young heir.

"I don't want another nanny. I want you, Papa," William exclaims, defiantly crossing his little arms across his little chest.

Charles sighs. Due to his schedule, he cannot stay home longer and be with his sons. After taking two months off to grieve the loss of his first wife, Margaret, Charles couldn't stop his duties too much longer. His commitment to the crown came before his own life and, unfortunately, the life of his sons.

"I know, Wills, but Papa has work to do. Granny needs Papa's help," Charles says, tucking William in.

Charles looks over at Harry, who is fast asleep. "Papa will take you and Harry to the park tomorrow. Will that make you feel better," Charles asks, hoping to soothe his son's feelings.

"Can we get some ice cream too?" William perks up.

"Of course, with sprinkles and everything," Charles says, smiling at William.

After kissing his sons goodnight, Charles calls his secretary and informs him to clear his schedule. Unfortunately, since the last nanny quit earlier, he will have to stay home again until he can find another. Before ending the call, he asked for another list of nannies to be put together as well as an announcement. Hopefully, he can find a replacement as soon as possible.

Since Margaret's death last year, he has gone through at least twenty nannies. He knows William is acting out due to the loss of his mother, and Harry is only following behind his big brother. Therapy seems to be helping, but not enough to stop the bad behavior. The last thing he wants to two is for his sons to turn into two spoiled brats who can't keep a nanny.

Charles retires to his room and gets ready the next day. Tomorrow he hopes he can find someone who can start as soon as possible, most importantly, build a connection with his sons. Although he could never replace his wife, he knows his sons will need a mother figure.

Before he turns out the lights, Charles looks over at the one lone picture of his wife he can still look at.

"Good night, my darling," he says before turning off the light.

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