𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Samara sighed as her and Mitsuki left the academy to head home. The day wasn't as bad, but it was less anxiousness. But they both got stopped by a certain someone;

"Hey! Samara!!" Boruto yelled out catching up to Samara while Kawaki is running behind him.

"Boruto?" Samara asks and her and Mitsuki turn their attention to Boruto who stops infront of Samara.

"What you did was cool, but what wasn't cool was that you stole my winning streak!! I thought we were friends!!" Boruto playfully cried out.

"Huh? We were friends..?" Samara asked.

"Boruto-! It's not that serious, like Mrs. Shias said, you can always try again." Kawaki says.

"Ugh! Shut up Kawaki." Boruto crosses his arms.

"I'm sorry for him." Kawaki tells them.

"It's alright." Mitsuki says and smiles.

"I'm, Kawaki." Kawaki says.

"I'm Mitsuki." Mitsuki says.

"Samara." Samara says.

"How about we welcome you the right way?" Kawaki ask and smirk.

"Sure." The both of them say.

T I M E S K I P (Uzumaki Household)

"Here we are." Kawaki says and stops at the door.

"Woah, this place looks cool. Where are we?" Mitsuki asks.

"We're at my house, not typically my house but you know what I mean. The right way to welcome you guys is dinner at our place." Kawaki says.

"Wait what? But you haven't told your mother..it would be bad to just invite people over without her knowing." Samara says.

"I already told her with a crow." Kawaki replies.

"Ah, okay." Samara says and smiles.

Kawaki knocks on the door, the sound of footsteps getting closer to the door before it opens.

"Hello, Kawaki and Boruto. Are these the new children you invited?" Hinata asked.

"Yea, they are." Kawaki says.

"How nice. Come in." Hinata says and walks over to the side so the children can enter.

Kawaki and Boruto lead both Mitsuki and Samara in the kitchen where, Sarada, Sasuke, Sakura & Naruto were sitting in the kitchen.

"Dad-! What are you doing here!?" Boruto said annoyed.

"Oh- Boruto- Kawaki-.. And uh-" Naruto says.

"Samara and Mitsuki." Kawaki says.

"Yeah-! I called off of work since me and Sasuke were with Orochimaru.." Naruto answers.

"Really? You were with their dad with Sasuke-San!?" Boruto asks feeling interested.

"Yeah-" Naruto says but gets cut off by Boruto rushing to Sasuke, Naruto's face sadden.

"That was rude Boruto.. apologize to Naruto." Sasuke says.

"But Sasuke-Sa-" Boruto tries to reason.

"No." Sasuke says.

"Fine. Sorry dad." Boruto says.

"Like you mean it?" Sasuke asks.

".....I'm sorry dad." Boruto says it like he means it.

"It's ok! Thanks Sasuke." Naruto says and smiles.

"Don't be shy! Come in the kitchen and take a seat!" Sakura says.

Mitsuki and Samara look at each other before walking into the kitchen and took a seat.

T I M E S K I P (Dinner)

"The food taste great, Hinata." Sakura says and everyone else nods.

"T-thank you, Sakura-Chan and everyone else." Hinata says and smiles.

"Besides..that was very nice of you Kawaki to invite them over." Naruto says and smiles.

"Mhm, Boruto was doing something else.." Kawaki says which caught everyone's attention.

"What was that?" Hinata asks.

"He was attacking Samara because Samara beat his first place streak in shadow clones by making 5 shadow clones and Boruto making 3." Kawaki explains.

"Really?! You made 5 shadow clones?!" Naruto asks.

"....yeah..." Samara said shyly and Boruto groaned.

"This is what I'm talking about!" Boruto cried out.

"..Boruto you did good as usual. But it's just a game at least." Sasuke says.

".....I guess." Boruto mumbles. Naruto turned white when he realized that his child only listened to Sasuke.

"Excellent. I guess that's what you get from training with Orochimaru." Sakura says and smiles.

"Mhn...I guess so." Samara lies.

"Well..Uhm...I think we're going to go. So Otousan doesn't think we're lost." Mitsuki interrupts.

"Oh! Of course, bye Samara and Mitsuki." Hinata says.

"Bye!" Samara and Mitsuki say.

"Bye bye." Everyone else besides Samara and Mitsuki say and then they leave.

"They seem cool." Sarada sighs.

"Yeah." Kawaki says.

"Do you like, Samara?" Naruto asks and the adults smirk at each other.

"What?- No. She's 12, and I just met her. You should ask Boruto that." Kawaki says.

"Borut-" Naruto gets cut off again by his son.

"No! Why would I like s-someone who took my spot on the leaderboard!" Boruto says.

"Boruto." Sasuke replies sternly.

"........No. I don't like her like that." Boruto replies and sighs.

"I'm going upstairs." Boruto mumbles and gets up.

"I'll follow." Sasuke says and looks at Naruto and nods and follows Boruto upstairs.

Even though the end of the night wasn't that perfect. That was such a nice welcoming.

To be continued......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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