Chapter Four

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*hey guys. im sorry i havent updated in a while. i have been so busy with homework i havent had spare time to do anything. i will finally be 13 on the 16th of May so make sure you wish me a happy birthday!! i have been worrying for a while now about my year 9 options..but guess what?!? i got into them all...History...Health and studies and music!! Yay! comment and comment*

The first thing you do is straiten your hair. You change into your (F/C) trakkys. Then you just lie down on the sofa. Then you remember...Liu is in the shower. In your house. And you look a state.

When Liu is out of the shower, you decide to put on a film. You both decide you want to watch a horror so you put on 'Annabelle'. Before you press play you make popcorn and pizza. Its around 2 o'clock you watch the film.
When the film finished, you looked at Liu. Then you both lean forward...Liu gently kisses your lips.

* hey guys im stopping here for a while ..things are getting really busy and i have no spare time ...i need more votes and comments and reads on this book to carry on writing.... sorry for the like to page chapter but yeah* love from jamie xox

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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