FOUR. ᵂᵒᵉ ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵃ ᴺᶦᵍʰᵗ

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   Enid's Pov'

   Never In My days of knowing her would I believe I would be here kissing an Addam, Let alone making the first move. 

"Enid," She mumbled Between the kiss, This is this close to going batshit crazy. My bed was already messy but I really didn't care, Suddenly I felt her thumb coaxing my mouth open.

"Mhmm" I managed to get out, I felt goosebumps everywhere, the taste of mint and herbs. Of course, She drinks tea. the room was getting hot, Everything on my mind was gone, With one single focus. 

the way she sneaks breaths and gasps, or jerks up everything I accidentally touched her bare skin. digging my nails into her shoulder she let out a noise, it was a soft-ish groan.

I wanted to hear it again, She pulled back gasping for air leaving me desperate, her lips quivering with a print of my lipstick on the corner of her mouth. 

My heart heat rang in my ears as I watched the girl in front of me struggle to breathe, Her light brown eyes darkened. Leaning back I watched as she followed, Kissing the corner of her mouth and leaving sloppy kisses on the way to her jawline.

although I've never done thing, I've read a few books so I can figure it out, Running my tongue alone on her damp skin bruising every corner I desired, "Enid, Don't even think of-" I felt her grip on my shoulder tighten waiting for her to finish her sentence.

Hesitating I smile against her skin "I'm gonna bite you" I heard her suck in a breath "Don't you dare" Before she could finish I sunk my teeth into her skin.


This is just girls messing around right? It didn't mean anything... Right?


 Claire's pov'

"When I suggested giving your side a make I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mine" Enid waked up for the 3rd time, "is this why you snuck out last night" A sudden shiver shot through my body as I touched the marks on my neck, I averted my gaze to the mark on her neck I left as payback.

"thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue" She replied "To copy files of the monster's victims"

"Okay there are so many levels of Ew in that statement, I don't know where to begin" She squinted her eyes "I need to get inside its head" She crossed her arms "Discoverany patterns or anomalies I've already made a big discovery"

"turns out all the victims had their body parts surgically removed" She took the picture off giving it to Enid as I kicked my legs "The first a kidney, the second a finger" 

"Wednesday I don't think she feels okay" I muttered but was ignored "their a gall bladder and the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes"

"do you understand what this means?" I sighed getting up from my seat and standing behind enid "these murders aren't mindless" Not a moment later her body fell on me leaving the pictures flying across the floor.

my sister turned around looking at Enid, Giving a disapproving look "Fetch the smelling salts...Again"


Shifting in my seat my mind wasn't on the class or the teacher.  "while most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, Many carnivores varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception" She puts the plant down, biting my lip I felt a note slip onto my arm.

Let's leave last night behind us, We were just messing around. right? My heart sank as I picked up my pen to write a reply. 


"the orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect luring the males in, Now once the plant is pollinated what do the male insects get in exchange" 

"Nada, just like all the guys at the Rave'N" The class laughed "Okay, Okay I know you're all excited about Saturday, I turned to my sister hoping that she would give me a reassuring look. and of course, what did I expect a blank stare.

"Which was why I haven't assigned any homework" the class roared with excitement "But I do need volunteers for decorating committee, Anyone interested come see me up here"

"You're not volunteering?" Enid cut in with her usual tone, "if Wednesday is then sure" She shook her head "Not everything you do has to be like your sister"


following Wednesday we stopped watching Xavier leave the cabinet "Xavier didn't get those scratches from fencing, He's hiding something" She mumbled dragging me to the cabin and closing the door behind us.

I walked towards the light the smell of wood and bust lingered, As I flickered the lights opened pictures of the creature showed everywhere "I suppose every artist needs a muse"

She smiled picking up the paper from his desk "Xavier you just became much more interesting" She said flicking the lights off and putting the paper in her jacket. Poking my head out I watched as Wednesday stepped out.

Suddenly Xavier came out of nowhere almost making me jump "Wednesday?" Of course, he calls out her name first, creep "Xavier?" She acted surprised "hello"

"What are you doing?" He asked, "Nothing, I just saw you come out this way, what is this place?" He turned to the place changing his stance "It's kind of my private art studio, I cleared it out, fixed it out and Weems let me use it.

"How very entrepreneurial I would love to see inside" I stated back "Why don't you give us a tour?" He shook his head "Not right now, It's a total mess" I held my laugh "we shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer, we aren't easily phased"

"Maybe another time, Why were you looking for me?" I hung my mouth open "I wanted to go over ms. Thornhill's homework assignment" I whipped my head to my sister signaling her and telling her that there isn't any homework.

"She didn't give us homework" He leaned in smiling "Is this about a certain dance? that makes you poke into your eyes, Perhaps" Biting my lip I glared at him, He went for my sister now he's going for me? "No," but I was stopped by Wednesday tugging my shirt. "Are you really going to make me ask" The guy smiled "Oh absolutely"

Biting the inside of my mouth I wanted to scream "Would--" I got out "Would you consider going to the Rave'n dance with a certain" My tongue was on the roof of my mouth as he nodded "Would--...Would you go to the dance with me"

He laughed "Yes, claire, I would love to go to the dance with you. Thought you'd never ask" Turning my head away I glared at my sister "Neither did I"


The girl's face dropped for a second but was covered with excitement the next, Weird. "Oh my god, Claire Addams is going to the Rave'n. my whole world is tilted" She lowered her tone, which was definitely sarcastic "you know what you need now?"

"A bullet to the head" Wednesday replied for me "A dress" She turned to Wednesday not bothering to look at me "I already have one"

"Not the ones you showed up here in, that thing was a fashion emergency, not even lighting could resuscitate, Thing back me up here" She turned to him "you need something that screams, 'first date, stand back bitches'"

I really didn't want to do this, But I wanted to get into Enid's head. "And I know just the place"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now