(Freewill bitch)trans!Sodo x Trans!Ghoul!Reader

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Sodo's P.O.V

I was looking for y/n for about three, maybe four hours, she was nowhere in sight so I soon gave up and returned to my room, soon floping into my bed and groaning. Aether walked in and knocked on the wall "you alright Sodo? Copia saw you walking around, who were you looking for?" He asked, concerned, I could tell. I sighed and sat up "I was looking for y/n, I haven't seen her for three, maybe four hours now" I looked at the ceiling and sighed. Aether nodded "I saw her outside not to long ago" he said and looked outside "she's out there". I sat up and looked "thanks Aeth, I got worried for a minute or two that someone had took her". I then stood up and stretched before walking out of my room and walking out the Chapel, I went near where y/n was and heard her crying, I wanted to ask why but I didn't want to bother her. I heard her say something about her not wanting to be a ghoulette but I wasn't to sure, I stood behind a tree and listened to her for a good three minutes before realizing that she saw me and ran off. I quickly ran after her "y/n wait!" I wanted to know what she meant but also I was very stupid to follow her because I almost fell into a lake of water, since I'm a fire ghoul, I can't touch water so I went around and kept running after her. Fifteen minutes later we both reached a dead end as she looked at me, his eyes looked slightly swollen as if she were crying for hours apon hours. I slowly approched her just to make sure she was okay with this.

Y/n's P.O.V

I noticed Sodo had saw me 'shit, how did I not see him there earlier?!' I got up and started to run, only for him to follow me, "y/n wait!" Is what I heard from him, he sounded worried but I was to scared to even think about looking back again due to him running after me. He called me again but then almost fell into water, he was like a cat with water, he hated it with all the passion inside of him. I heard him jump over it and continue to run after me, I whimpered as I almost fell over my own tail, these were annoying to deal with because of how long they are at times, mostly when you're sad. I soon got to a dead end and turned around to him, my breath heavy from running from him for at least fifteen minutes. He slowly walked to me, softly putting his hand out in a way to try and comfort me but I swatted his hand away from me.  He looked at me, more confused then before, he sighed and stopped walking. The simple words came out of his mouth finally "what do you mean by you don't want to be a ghoulette?" This was going to be hard to explain to him, I didn't want to but I had to, for many reasons I cannot think of to tell anyone else. I sighed and explained for a while before he stopped me by placing his hand on mine, he softly smiled, I was able to tell. He sighed again but with the same soft smile then continued to do something. He was comforting me. "I understand what you mean Y/n, I know how you feel, trust me on that". I looked at him confused before he finally spoke again "I'm trans as well, being this way isn't easy, I know, you'll get used to this, promise". By those words, I started to cry, I didn't think he was actually trans, I thought he was always a ghoul but no, he was a ghoulette at one point as well, this made me happy. Three hours later we're in his room, laying down and cuddling while I was purring against him, I think that made him fall asleep because when I looked at him, he was passed out, I giggled and soon fell asleep as well, the whole night we spent running drained us, but paid us back in knowing something new about each other


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