Sodo headcanons

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Sodo tempts to stutter when there's to many people (or ghouls) around him, be patiant he'll calm down soon

He tempts to also tic from Tourette syndrome and he hates it because he makes small bird sounds as well, please reassure him that he's fine and that it's cute, he'll deny it at first but will give in

When he's alone he will start overthinking everything- don't leave him alone in a room- I beg of you

One time he had a major panic attack to the point he passed out five minutes later

He will constantly ask if he is doing well because he's in self doubt and always will be (protect the baby at all costs)

If he asks for a hug, it's because he's about to have a mental breakdown at any moment

If you give him, the smallest piece of art, he will keep it with him at all times (beware simps)

If he starts to get clingy, it's because he's tired and wants someone to cuddle him

Sodo will cry if someone starts to yell at someone else because of past Trauma

Sodo tempts to zone out when he's deep into thought

If you see him in a tree, ask him if he's okay, he's going to say yes but he's lying

If you see him near Aether, it's becuse he feels safer near him

One time he had to beg Mountain to stay with him so he wouldn't cry in Claustrophobia

At times, Sodo will start to have PTSD problems so comfort him

On time when he was younger he had promised his mom not to go to where other "people" or Ghouls were going but he broke it

He has squishmellows so he doesn't feel lonely before he falls asleep

Cirrus and Cumulus had to countlessly make sure he didn't get hurt by fans at rituals because some fans throw things

The time he broke his horn was the first time he ever broke something so it really hurt

When he had just joined it was only him, Mountain, and Aether, since he grew up around mostly them and Tezro, he's more comfortable with them

At one point he will start to shake and act weird onstage get him off the fucking stage

Sometimes fans don't realize he hurts himself while playing guitar but that's because he can't feel it till way later

When he sees that someone is being made fun of, he'll point it out and tell them to fight him, which he will gladly fight someone

Sometimes the ghouls and ghoulettes are unaware of his mental health

One time he tried to jump of the ministery roof but Aether and Swiss stopped him

If he's up past the time they're supposed to be asleep, ask him if he's okay or if he's healthy, he'll say yes but he's lying

If you give him a piece of food, he won't eat it unless you say it's okay for him to

One time Swiss triggered him by saying to kill himself which caused him to try and hang himself in his room which the three ghoulettes stopped him from doing so

If his hair is fully down, he needs someone to braid it so he won't kill Swiss or Aether (again)

He once overdosed and woke up with Seestor Imperor and Papa Nihil on either side of him, worried about what happened

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