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"You're joking" I muttered to her standing in front of what seems like hell itself, "mhmm, oh, and keep an eye out. You don't anyone seeing this" She traced her fingers on the mark on the side of my neck.

"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?" Wednesday cut in "Our first, Roomie shopping spree. The dance committee suggested all white match the theme but- that's not going to fly with us"

"I have a more pressing business than to worry about a stupid dress for a dance I don't even wanna attend" Wednesday continued turning around "But I thought we were bonding"

"I feel I'll only slow you down, you're a gazelle. We're a wounded fawn. cut me loose and go run in the pack" YES, god save me from this place "Are you sure?"

"Claire, Stay with her" Turning my head to her I felt so betrayed "Go claire" Rolling my eyes I was pulled back by Enid whilst looking at my sister hoping she would turn back.

Going Into the shop she dragged me to her friend "Enid," they smiled at her "And...." "Claire" She replied quicker than I did. "Well Claire, It seems like you're having fun" they laughed together.

I raised my arm to hide the mark, "I guess" Muttering to myself I could have sworn the smile on Enid's face meant something else. "Oh, here" She tugged me over somewhere "No,"

I stared at the blue dress cringing "What even is that" She pouted rolling her eyes "this?" She said putting it on her "hmm, Complements your eyes. But no"

"I'll take it" She shrugged, walking around the store I spotted my eye on a pretty decent dress, A white puffy dress. It was a little messy but It definitely suited me. "There"

"you certainly always go for the serious ones" She sucked her teeth, "I like it," She held up a dress and stood in front of me "This?" I squinted "I can't tell if you don't have it on" 

She focused on me "Take that and come with me" Enid said before pushing the dress she picked out on me and skipping away, I sighed grabbing the dress I wanted and walking along with her. The curtains pulled open leaving a body mirror and a couple of hangers.

"here, Go try it on" She shoved me into the room, "come out when you're ready" I hummed back, after struggling for a while on the zipper I finally gave up "Enid," 

"Yeah" She shouted from a distance,  "help" I heard footsteps stop right in front of the curtain, My heart raced as I gripped the fabric on my chest. "can I come in?"

"Yeah" the sound of the curtain opening almost made me jump "Hmm, It looks good" she puts her hands on my shoulder, "here lemme just" feeling her fingers trace my back almost made me jump.

She slowly zipped it up looking at me through the mirror "You look, Great. Now change back it's my turn" I stood there waiting for her to step out. "Maybe, Get out? Creep"

"What if I don't?" an innocent smile on her face as leaned her back, Not wanting to lose I stared at her from the mirror  "Stay then" Taking the fabric of my shoulders whilst keeping eye contact I could tell she was panicking, "I'M OUT" 


As we sat at the cafe I looked outside hoping Wednesday would come and save me from this, no one ever told me going shopping was holding packages for someone. Suddenly I saw someone walk up to us.

I didn't like this already, "Is it okay if I talk to Enid?" he said "No, Why?" The boy turned to me confused "Don't worry, I can handle him" My stomach turned as Yoko and her friend went to the other seat.

"I'm staying" I smiled at the boy who took a seat in front of us "Thanks" He smiled at Enid "I'm-" "Lucas Walker, Mayor's son. Recently split from Jerico highs cheer captain Chrissy Smothers" The girl next to me replied leaving both him and me shocked.

"Cute brunette who needs to rethink her spray tan" She puts her hands under the table toying with the wood "That's kinda scary?"

"She has a nose for gossip, I'm pretty sure she follows half of your grade on TikTok" I cut in feeling someone touch my leg, Side eyeing Enid she was still facing him with her usual innocent smile "oh yeah, And my roommate kicked ur ass, Twice"

"Claire and Wednesday are your roommates?" her eyes lit up as if she was waiting for this moment "sure is"

"Look, Luca or Lucas whatever. I know this isn't a random encounter so why are you sitting here," Her hands moved along my upper leg tapping it lightly "You must want something" I said trying to keep my posture straight.

"I got a friend who works at Hawte Kewture, She overheard you were on a hunt for a date to the Rave'n, Maybe we can help each other out" As much as I wanted to cut in, I do already have a date. So I had no choice but to sit and watch.


I met up with Wednesday helping her with our crime board, We went to the hive telling Eugine about our situation "Enid won't let us keep this in our dorm" He pushed up his glasses "No worries, Mi colmena es su colmena"

"I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging around the woods" He pointed "You've heard about it?" "Rumours, Mr. Fitts banned me from bug hunting until further notice. Claimed a bear was on the loose which I knew was a lie, Didn't match the hibernation schedules"

"Speaking of monsters with sharp claws could you give this to your roomie, Put in a good word for me" He handed Wednesday a jar of honey "I heard shes still looking for a date for the Rave'n" 

"No," I took the honey from Wednesday putting it back onto the shelf before leaving, Not a while later Wednesday and Eugene came out from the shed.

"let's go"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now