𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑰 𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 (𝒔𝒌𝒛)

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[(Hey) you and I got the same feeling
You and me, we ain't falling
(Hey) Be each other's strength and endure
Like a domino, domino]

Jisung and Changbin had been dating for 3 years now , they are so inlove that makes everyone envy of their relationship

No one ever seen someone been so in love , someone who's floating in the air with heart surround them

Jisung and Changbin at first wasn't in a good term due to a misunderstanding situation

But as later they spent time with each other , the more they fall for each other

And it was Jisung who makes the first move , it was Jisung who decides to court Changbin

Changbin being the playful person he is

"i don't know ~ should i though ? can i have a quokka as a boyfriend ? i don't think that's legal

hmm , i don't want a crazy quokka as a boyfriend but unfortunately I've fallen for him"

Jisung couldn't help but slaps Changbin's arms after he accepts Jisung's court

And after 3 years with each other , they're entering their 4th anniversary

Changbin couldn't be any happier as he couldn't believe him and Jisung had gone this far together

He thought that Jisung would leave him after 5 months of dating but fortunately , he never did

"happy birthday my baby bin ! Are you ready for the first surprise ?"

Today is their 4th anniversary and Jisung had prepared the day full of surprises

"i am" Jisung took out a paper bag and hands it to Changbin

"What is in here ?"

Jisung shrugs , Changbin opens the bag and he cooed

"Penguin doll ?" Changbin says as he took out a couple penguin plushie

"you know what this means right ?" Changbin pout "no"

Jisung gives Changbin the 'really' look

"remember during our High-school days ? People always call us penguins because penguins stick with each other . Like us , that's why they call us penguins"

Changbin made an 'o' shaped mouth

"understanding" Changbin says as he hugs the penguins

"Now for the second surprise , come outside"

Changbin tilted his head but still follows after Jisung

Jisung bring him to the living room , where it's connected to the kitchen and he saw the dining table full of his favourite food

He squeal excitedly "thank youuu" Changbin says as he tightly hug Jisung

Jisung laughs as they almost drop on the floor

"your welcome baby , but why didn't you look inside the living room ?"

Changbin let go of Jisung and look at him in confusion

"why though -" Changbin looks at the living room and gasp

He almost teared at the sight , 3 puppies were sleeping and cuddling with each other

"oh ..." Changbin sniffs "they're so cute , are they for us ?"

"yes , they're officially ours" Changbin hugs Jisung again

"thank you hyung" Said Changbin , Jisung hug Changbin back

"your welcome , now let's eat our breakfast"

Changbin let go of Jisung and sat on his seat , Jisung does the same and they start to eat their breakfast

"there's 2 more surprise" Changbin widened his eyes and laugh

"Hyung , even these surprises is enough for me"

"but not for me though" Changbin look at Jisung full of adores

Jisung is such a precious person to him , he wish that they could stay like this forever

[during night]

"Let's go out" Jisung says as he button up his shirt , Changbin looks at Jisung in confusion

"for what ?"

"for your next surprise !" Jisung said, giving a disbelief scoff

"oh , i forgot" Changbin nervously giggles before starting to get ready

After he finished getting ready , they bring their wallet and phone , Changbin give the puppy kisses before leaving the house

Jisung drove the car to the beach , their favourite beach, exactly the one where Jisung court Changbin

Changbin gasp "our favourite beach ?"

"yes" Jisung unbuckled his belt and got out , followed after Changbin

Jisung took out his hand , waiting it to complete with Changbin's hand

Changbin smiles as he took Jisung's hand in his

Then they starts to walk towards the beach , they then arrived in front of the ocean

they both sigh , with a smile afterwards

"This is the perfect life" Changbin smiles

"right ..?" Jisung says , letting his hands fall onto Changbin's waist

"I love you , bunny bin" Changbin chuckles "i love you too qusung hyung"

"I want us to be forever like this" Jisung let go of Changbin "me too"

"look at me bin" Changbin turn to Jisung and gasp in surprise

Jisung was holding a small box in his fingers , his eyes fixed on Changbin's face

"Seo Changbin , i truly love you with my heart , i never want to let you go , you're the reason why i hope i wouldn't leave the world so soon

everyday i pray that you'll stick by my side until the world ends , so"

Jisung open the small box , revealing a ring

"Seo Changbin , will you marry me ?" Changbin started to cry , "Are you serious sung hyung ?"

"100% serious"

"i love you sung hyung , and i will be your fiancé or husband"

Jisung smiles as he slide the ring on Changbin's finger

Changbin stare at the ring for a moment before staring at Jisung's eyes

"I will never get bored just by staring at your eyes sung hyung"

Jisung smiles "glad to know that" Jisung kisses Changbin passionately

"allow me Changbin , to change you"

Changbin gasp when Jisung lips travelled to his neck

"sure , since you've been waiting long enough to mark me as yours" Changbin says , after hearing it

Jisung bit Changbin's neck , causing Changbin to moan

Everything is perfect for them , nothing can stop them both as their love for each other is unstoppable , now they can live with each other forever

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