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   "THE PLACE is ground zero for horny gypsy moths, you think it's in there?" He asked Wednesday "Only one way to find out," She said heading towards the dark cave, have I ever told you I loved dark places?

"I'm not a huge fan of enclosed places, I'm claustrophobic" I looked at him "If you hear us screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance we're just enjoying ourselves" I bent down moving towards the damp cave spotting a few bones 

"Are those Human?" The boy asked, I picked one up looking closely "No, I think it's got a taste for version" I shined the light catching a glimpse of... handcuffs?

"Check this out" the boy stumbled to the cuffs, and Wednesday looked to the corner. She bent down shining the light at something "Yahtzee"

I handed her my knife as she tried picking it out "what is that," "Concrete proof?" I turned my head smiling at him.


"Heading towards the shed Thing tried warning us "I need to find something to match the claw's DNA" Wednesday tugged me inside with her "Fine," I said before closing the door behind me, She flicked open the light seeing the familiar sight.

Wednesday knelt down next to the trash can picking something "Hurry Wednesday" she picked up a bloody cloth and examing it, But to my horror, the door swung opened.

"what the hell are you doing?" Xavier walked up to me, "How do you know what the monster looks like, or are all these just self-portraits" Wednesday pulled me back stepping in front of me.

"Oh what you think it's me? I saved your life" He tensed "so did the monster. or was that you the night Rowan was killed?" 

"You're so out of line right now" he took a step closer to Wednesday "I'm trying to uncover the truth and your art seems to have a recurring motif"

"Yeah" He averted eye contact "The creature's been haunting my dreams for weeks, I try to block it, but I can't... So I just- came here to paint it" He pointed to the canvas "When I painted this one the claws just came out and swiped at me, that's how I got these"

"I thought you were able to control your ability" He shook his head "Not when it comes to this" "Maybe it's just your guilty conscious"

"I told you, I'm not the monster okay" I took a piece of paper unfolding it "So you just happen to draw pictures of it down to the location of its lair in the woods?"

"Those are some pretty vivid dreams" Wednesday continued "You were in here" His eyes dropped to pure sadness and disappointment "Before when I caught you outside" we made eye contact.

"that's the only reason you asked me to the Rave'N" Guilt started hitting me as I swallowed a breath "To try and cover, You are unbelievable"

"it's nothing personal," Wednesday said to him "No, It never is with you, Is it?" His voice started to raise "I mean do you even care about anyone Claire? or anything at all?" His eyes were glassy it looked like he was in tears.

"Get out" I put my hands in a fist gripping as hard as I could feeling the guilt I had put myself in.


 I slammed the zipped lock back on the table "That's the claw of the monster, and that's the dried blood of the potential suspect. He used it to dab scratches on his neck" I explained "Run a DNA test and see if they match"

"I'm sorry do I work for you" he blinked at me, "You asked for concrete evidence, that's it" He touched the bag "Where'd you get this? and who's the suspect"

"Run the test then I'll explain"


Walking back I was stopped by someone, I watch as Wednesday glared at him "Go on, I'll catch up"

It was one of the vampires I had a class with"Claire," He smiled "Mason" I crossed my arms "I know we haven't talked but, Would you go with the dance with me?" Squinting my eyes I saw Enid walking past the halls, I subconsciously smiled "I would love to"

He flashed a toothy grin "May we meet tomorrow night" He took my hand kissing it as I made sure the girl was staring, I waved him goodbye before catching up with my sister.

"what are you guys up to?" I say as they both stared at Xavier "We were going to stake out the cave to identify the monster...Whoever it may be"

"can't, I'm going with Mason" I watch as my sister stared at me with a blank expression, With a hint of disappointment 


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now