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After a long day of classes I finally made it back to my dorm. I walked inside and noticed neither Jungkook or Tae were here. That's strange. Usually Taehyung would always be here by this time. Sleeping. Or eating. Hm. Maybe they're busy.

I dropped my bag and threw myself on my bed closing my eyes and groaning.

"Peace and quiet." I whispered.


-Door slams open-



Taehyung: OH JINJJA?! AAHH!!

-_- I spoke too soon.

Jungkook: Hey Jin!

I rolled over and glared at them.

Taehyung: Were you sleeping? Aw I'm sorry.

"It's fine. Where you guys coming back from?"

Jungkook: BTS Fraternity House! Taehyung stripped naked! And then we-

"OKAY...!...I get it..say no more."

They giggled.

Taehyung: Jungkook told me what happened to you earlier.

Of course he did.

Oh wait!

"Who the hell told you guys to pledge for me?! I never agreed to such a thing!"

Jungkook: You can do it!

Taehyung: It's gonna be fun trust me. Ahh imagine? We'll be walking down the halls with our jackets and all..*gasp* we can be VIPs at the parties!

"I'm still not okay with what you did."

Taehyung: Lighten up Jin.


Jungkook: I told Hana you pledged.

My eyes widen. "You talk to her?!"

They both nodded.

Jungkook: She's sweet.

Taehyung: She talks to everyone. I don't see why you're so nervous to talk to her.


Jungkook: 'Jin is pledging? Aww much luck to him!' Is what she said when I told her.

I blushed.



We all glared at the note that just slid under our door.

Taehyung went towards the door bending down first to retrieve the note then opened the door. He peeped his head out and looked both ways. "Okay?" He closed the door.

Jungkook: What's that?

It was a black envelope.

Taehyung: It says BTS on it. Oh look how creative, a bulletproof logo and everything.

Jungkook: Kawaii~

"Can you just open it instead of admiring the damn envelope?"

Taehyung: What's with you?

"I had a long day -_-"

Taehyung opened up the letter.

He read. "Scouts! Tonight is your first round of proving just how 'Bulletproof' you are. Meet us under the bridge by the river down by the north side of campus. See ya there! Oh! By the way, don't think getting there will be easy.."

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