Three years later

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Collette and Edgar

"Abby sweetheart, please sit still so I can put this pretty dress on you." I smile down at my daughter. 

Today is her third birthday and we are throwing her a party.

"Abby pretty Mama." She states happily.

"Yes, you are a pretty little angel." As soon as I put the last item of clothing on her the doorbell rings and Abby jumps up almost bumping my head.

"Mama, Joshy. Down Mama, Joshy." My little girl is so enamored with Joshua who is the son of my friends Emmeline and Jeff. 

Whenever he is around, she is always following him around and it seems that little Joshua doesn't mind having a tail either.

I put her on the floor, and she goes flying out of her room, as fast as her little legs will carry her. 

"Be careful and don't run!" I yell out to her, knowing that she won't listen to me in her haste to get to Joshua. I quickly put away the toiletries I was using on Abby and make my way downstairs.

When I get downstairs, Joshua is playing with the little soldier that he carries with him everywhere. Abby is contentedly leaning on his shoulder.

"I think our kids will be together when they grow up." Emmeline happily comments besides me.

"I don't know, maybe it's because they are the closest in age and we are always together." I tilt my head to the side.

"If they don't get together, I feel sorry for their significant others because the bond they share is very strong and extraordinary." On second thought my best friend might be right.

My heart is full being surrounded by the people that I love the most, celebrating my daughter. When it is time to cut the cake, Abby has to leave Joshua's side, but she refuses until we make both her and Joshua stand in front of the cake for pictures.

And that is the theme for all her birthdays until she reaches the age of seven. 

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