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Neville drew a smiley face on the window of the Hogwarts express after his breath caused the glass to get foggy. The sound of Dean and Seamus arguing about something quidditch related filled the background noise.

It was 5th year and Neville finally felt like things were falling into place. First year was hard but thankfully he had met the golden trio, Dean, and Seamus. Second year was just as troubling but then again, Luna and Ginny were now added to his list of mates.

Third year, then fourth year, and now fifth year, his grades were average, he had friends, and yet he felt as if he were always suffering in one way or another.

Though he was surrounded by good people and smiling faces, he didn't feel fully happy. His magic was still sub par at best and the bullying from the Slytherins was relentless. Not to mention 4 times a year he was reminded of the deepest scar of all, his parents.

He'd see all the happy proud parents at the station twice a year, the sickening feeling of parent day once a year, and the worst day of all...Every Christmas he would visit his parents in the hospital. They wouldn't ever speak a word to him, just stare blankly at him. The only notable thing he'd experience was the candy wrapper his mum would give him every visit.

But even as Neville noted these hardships in his head, nothing truly stood out to him. So why was his mood so sour?

"Neville!" Seamus yelled directly into the Longbottom boy's ear.

Neville jumped in surprise as Dean and Seamus chuckled at him.

"You've been so quiet, what's wrong?" Dean asked.

Dean was the one in the group with his head on his shoulders, screwed on perfectly. He was tall, handsome, smart, and even a brilliant artist. Empathy was something that came naturally to him.

"He's obviously upset after seeing Luna and Ginny together!" Seamus exclaimed.

Seamus was the least empathetic in the group. He said whatever words came to mind and acted on any intrusive thoughts that crossed his brain. He was shorter than most boys their age but his loud and rather explosive personality made up for that.

Dean slapped Seamus in the back of the head to shut him up.
"Shut it Finnigan, our little Nev is sensitive."

Neville thought about his crush on Luna, it was short lived as her and Ginny got together over summer but Neville didn't mind. If anything he was happy his mates were happy.

"I'm not upset about Luna, it was a silly crush and I think Ginny n' her will work fine together. I honestly saw it coming." Neville explained.

"See." Dean stated bluntly towards Seamus.

"See? Weren't you just saying he was sensitive?" Seamus argued.

"One of us has to be sens-"

Deans words caught in his throat. Neville and Seamus shared confused expressions, turning towards where Dean was staring.

A very pretty girl with black curly hair walked passed their compartment.

"Who is that?" Seamus asked, drool almost escaping his mouth as he watched with his jaw hung open.

"I dunno, never seen her before." Dean explained as him and Seamus leaned forward practically falling from their seats.

Neville studied the girl as she passed. It was almost as if she were moving in slow motion. Her tight curls bounced as she walked, the sunset reflected off her tan skin, and her brown leather boots book bag was decorated with perfectly embroidered flowers.


One of the oldest flowers to ever exist, they were flowers that didn't need to depend on bees to pollinate them. They symbolize luck and can be used to cure an aching head.

Some say they can cure a troubled head as well.

Magnolia's Greenhouse [NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM]Where stories live. Discover now