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The sun was abnormally hot that Friday. The group of Gryffindors sat on the green painting a large banner for next weeks quidditch game.

"What has you grinning like a cheeky bastard?" Ginny chuckled as she sat beside Luna.

Everyone's heads snapped towards Neville, the wizard's face turning tomato red immediately. Dean took note and scrambled towards Neville, taking his shoulders into his hands.

"You asked her?!" Dean asked excitedly.

"No way?! Longbottom has game? Since when?" Seamus chuckled.

Ginny looked between the group, trying to figure out what was happening while Luna cheerfully kept painting her spot of the banner.

"Speak good dammit!" Dean commanded.

Neville swallowed nervously before nodding.

"NEVILLE!" Dean yelled cheerfully as he lifted him and jumped up and down. Neville kept a smile on his face despite feeling uncomfortable in the situation.

"Excuse me? Am I missing something?" Ginny asked as she chuckled at the sight.

Neville bit the insides of his cheek before going back to painting. Ginny wouldn't have it. She took a paintbrush, pulling back the bristles, and flicking paint onto the boy.

Neville threw his hands up in defense, he already had to deal with Dean's reaction, he wasn't looking forward to Ginny's.
"Fine, I asked a girl to Hogsmeade okay?" Neville said swiftly. He quickly went back to painting in attempts to avoid her reaction.

"NO WAY!" She cheered as she punched his shoulder. Neville couldn't even attempt to hide how painful it felt but the red head girl didn't notice.

"And she said yes?" She continued.

"Yes, she said yes." Neville replied.

"HAH!" Ginny cheered, again punching his shoulder.

"Gin, don't kill him before his date." Dean chuckled. Neville mentally thanked him for that one.

"What are you two going to be up to?" Luna asked plainly.

The lot of them turned towards the sing song voice, Luna was still painting. She was laying on her stomach and kicking her legs back and forth, her face and focus still turned towards the banner.

"Come again?" Neville asked.

The wizards all shared confused faces while Ginny sat back down beside her girlfriend.

"She means what's your plan? Like where are you taking her, what are you up to that day?" Ginny explained.

Luna hummed in agreement, a gentle smile still on her face. The boys yet again shared lost expressions as they looked back to Ginny for answers.

"You didn't plan anything?" The Weasley girl asked, pure shock and annoyance at the male race was obvious on her face.

"I didn't think I'd get this far!" Neville exclaimed. He stressfully buried his face in his hands getting paint on his cheeks. Luna giggled, taking her finger and rubbing more paint on his nose.

"Thanks for that." Neville noted jokingly glaring at the witch.

"You're welcome." Luna replied plainly.

"Look, I don't even know who we are talking about?" Ginny asked, needing more information before she even attempted to help the hopeless.

"Magnolia Albero." Dean commented.

"The Hufflepuff with curly black hair, and she's friends with Cho, and she has a brown bookbag?" Ginny asked.

Neville, Dean, and Seamus looked at her quizzically.
"That's awfully specific, but yes?" Neville replied.

"Yeah, because she's coming this way." Ginny noted while pointing up at an approaching Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

"WHAT?" Neville exclaimed. He turned around and sure enough Magnolia was indeed approaching the group alongside Cho Chang.

"Uhm, Hello." Magnolia greeted sweetly after Chang gave her a little push forward. It was obvious the Hufflepuff witch was nervous from the way she fiddled with her hands and the sound of her shaky voice.

"Lia, hi." Neville greeted excitedly with a bright smile. As soon as the name left his mouth he knew his mates wouldn't let it slide.

Dean and Seamus shared a playful look after hearing Neville use her nickname
"Oooooooooo Lia." They said in unison.

Neville gave them a look that said "shut it or else" before facing Magnolia again.

"Sorry about them, how about we talk over there." He said as he pointed towards a bench nearby. Magnolia nodded and followed behind him as he led the way.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Seamus wondered outloud.

"Ya know, my brother's extendable ear would be helpful right about now." Ginny admitted.

The lot of friends turned towards Cho Chang whom was now softly giggling at the situation. Dean raised an eyebrow at her in confusion as she attempted to collect herself.

"Your mate Longbottom asked her on a date without providing the valuable information needed for said date." She explained.

"English please." Seamus stated.

"Time, location, what they are doing." Cho continued.

Ginny chuckled knowing Neville indeed didn't have a plan for what they were doing. She looked across the green noting Neville scratching the back of his head nervously. She could tell he was embarrassed and apologizing profusely.

"Classic Neville right." Dean added.

"So Chang, how is Harry?" Ginny asked.

Cho's cheeks immediately became rosy and her eyes found the ground while she tried to come up with something to say.

¸.•'*¨'*•✿ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸

Magnolia smiled to herself in the Hufflepuff common room as she read her book, she tried desperately to focus on the words she was looking at but all she could think about was her date with Neville. She tried to hide the cheeky grin that was now growing on her face remembering the paint that was still of his face and how embarrassed he got when she pointed it out.

"That's a happy face, good book?" Zacharias Smith asked as he sat in the arm chair across from her. He bit into an apple like it was the first thing he had eaten in awhile.

Magnolia couldn't help but notice his hair was slightly messier than normal and his clothes were as if he had thrown them on in a hurry. Though her nervousness from the question he had just asked made her forget all that.

"Don't act all shy, I've heard all about you and Longbottom." He chuckled as he sloppily wiped his face with his sleeve.

"Really? How?" Magnolia questioned, shutting her book and leaning forward towards the boy. Her cheeks warm with embarrassment.

Zach couldn't contain his laughter, the girl had always been humorous to him but seeing her so flustered over Neville Longbottom of all people was very entertaining.
"My inside source is anonymous-

"Oh you mean Dean?"

Zach was now the one blushing a bright crimson. The blonde boy slowly turned back towards the girl.
"How do you know about that?" He asked surprised.

Magnolia smiled cheerfully back at him.
"Dean doesn't shut up about you and you two are also quite obvious, I mean, look at the state of you." She giggled as she motioned towards his attire.

Zach looked down at his off buttoned and untucked shirt with a jumper thrown over. He smiled proudly back up at the girl.
"I like you Maggie, you always impress me."

Magnolia blushed at his bluntness.

"So what's this about Thomas not shutting up about me?" Zach asked curiously.

Magnolia's Greenhouse [NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM]Where stories live. Discover now