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Magnolia Albero.

There wasn't anything extraordinary about Magnolia Albero, but she felt as if she were the strangest person in the whole wizarding world.

Her mother had died in the first wizarding war, but that didn't make her special. Many people lost their lives in that war. It simply meant she was left with a single dad that had no clue what he was doing. She didn't blame her father for giving her up, she loved her family she had now, but she often wondered what could have been.

Her now parents were unknowledgeable on curly hair so she was stuck with an awful haircut for most of her childhood. She blamed said haircut for the countless bullies she had gained along the way.

"Maggie, how do these numbers go again?" Cho Chang asked from beside her.

Magnolia took the quill from Cho and quietly showed her the Arithmancy answers, sliding the parchment back towards the Ravenclaw without any words.

"Thank you." Cho replied cheerfully.

Magnolia didn't have any friends, Cho was the closest she had to one. The Ravenclaw girl was quiet and only spoke when needed. Magnolia was thankful for that, and for Cho never pushing her to talk when she didn't want to.

Cho Chang may have had some similarities to Magnolia, yet the Hufflepuff witch thought her to be some unachievable being. She was one of the most gorgeous girls in school, smart, friendly, and not to mention an amazing quidditch player.

Magnolia was awkward and homely looking, according to her anyway. She didn't feel as if she had any interests in things normal students enjoyed and her talents were simply academic. Atleast that's how she saw herself, though no one else really seemed to even notice her.

"Cho, can I borrow the notes you took?" Harry asked as he turned around in his seat.

Magnolia rolled her eyes. Harry Potter was shit at Arithmancy but he took the class regardless, it was obvious to her that he only took it to get closer to Cho.

"Yeah, lemme find them. I already put them away." She giggled innocently.

"That's no problem, I'm in no rush." Harry replied. His eyes moved from Cho to Magnolia. She tried her best to sink away out of his sight but it was too late.

"Hello, are you new?" Harry asked politely.


"Harry silly, that's Magnolia Albero. She's been in our year all the time." Cho chuckled as she handed Harry the course notes, while tucking some hair behind her ear.

"Really? I'm sorry. Magnolia eh? I feel like I've heard that before." Harry said as he pondered, scratching his head and messing up his already unruly hair.

Magnolia felt terribly awkward while Cho stared at Harry with heart shaped eyes.

"That's right, Neville was talking about a Magnolia. I hate to admit it but I assumed he was going on about something Herbology related. I normally tune him out when he goes on a tangent about plants." Harry chuckled.

Cho giggled at his joke as they both walked out the door together, with Magnolia in tow.

Neville was talking about a Magnolia.

Was Neville really talking about her? If he was it was probably nothing good. She felt like her impression on him wasn't substantial let alone a pleasant one.

"Maggie do you mind if- Maggie?" Cho asked as she turned to speak to the Hufflepuff girl, but she was already gone.

¸.•'*¨'*•✿ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ✿•*'¨*'•.¸

Neville was deep into studying already, being mates with Harry Potter had its perks but his grades took a major hit over the years. His Nan was not happy about that at all.

"I saw you walking with Cho Chang." Seamus noted from the couch as Harry walked in.

Neville rested his chin in his hands as he smiled up at his mates.

"Shove off, I was just getting notes from her." Harry explained.

"Yeah but close proximity brings out the best romances." Dean explained.

Ron chuckled causing an eye roll from Hermione. Neville felt warm in this moment, at-least he could say his friends were never boring.

"It's true, sometimes in life you're forced to be around people you wouldn't normally be around. My mum met my dad at her job, she said she wouldn't have picked him out of a crowd but then they fell deeply in love." Dean explained.

Harry was on the edge of his seat, excited to hear of his chances with Cho Chang. Neville thought back to his own parents. They were friends before dating, they both sounded so similar, like two halves of one being. He wondered if he'd ever find something like that.

"Oh yeah, Neville." Harry asked, pulling the wizard from his thoughts. He looked towards Harry wondering what he had to say.

"There was this girl... what was her name again? It was like a flower..."

"Magnolia?" Neville asked at a speed he wished he hadn't.

Everyone's heads snapped to look towards him and he felt small with so many eyes on him.

"Yeah! Her, she is mates with Cho and I need to get these notes back to her. Do you think you could ask her to return them for me?" Harry asked with a grin.

Neville was never one to deny his friends of anything, besides everytime they find trouble and drag him into it. Though it seemed such a small request of him that it was hard to say no.

"I dunno, I don't really know her all to well and I-"

"Cmon, please? I have so much I have to do." Harry begged.

Neville was curious about Magnolia, to be completely honest he hadn't stopped thinking about her since the last time he spoke to her. If only he wasn't so nervous about seeing her again.

"I- sure, I guess I could do that." Neville agreed, he took the notes from Harry. All eyes still on him as he tucked the parchment away for later.

"What?" He asked as he noticed their attention still on him.

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