Chapter 1: Flying back

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"Jordan im really gonna miss you". My friend Kayla said. She was my first friend when i came to the university. "Aw me to Kay". Kay was just silly old nick name i made up in my first year here. "Hey! I told you to stop calling me that it makes me feel like im a dude" whined Kayla. "Okay, okay i'll stop calling you that". "So have you heard from your dad yet ?". "No all he said was that there was gonna be a little suprise for me back home". "Oh okay i gotta go now im gonna meet Fred at the coffie Shop". Fred or Fredrick is Kayla's boyfriend they met in there second year in Highschool. "Ok bye Kayla". I walked in the opposite direction to where Kayla was going. Good thing my cheap apartmant was not that far away from here.
○○○○○○○○○TIME SKIP○○○○○○○○○
"Okay this must be everything". Then my phone started ringing i picked it up. It was my little bro Leon. "Hey Leon why are you calling me right now?". "Sorry sis its the only free time i had because i still have to study for a huge math exam". "Oh ok so why you called". "What oh yeah right i hope your not gonna faint when you arrive at the airport". "What why?". Leon suddenly hangs up. And i know if my lil bro was hiding something from me seriosly it's so obvious.
One time when i was 13 and he was 9 whe went to go play outside. Back then i was so obsessed with playing thruth or dare. So when me and my brother were playing he picked thruth . I said "have you ever lied to me?". "No" his voice cracked a little bit when he said that. "Your lying Leo". "No im not". "No Xbox for a week". "Okay, Okay im the one that set mr.chubbykins on fire"He said carefully."YOU WHAT!". "Im the one who se-". He didnt even get to finish his sentence because i wash already going on a crazed rampage until i said "NO VIDEOGAMES FOR 2 MONTHS." It was every little gamers nightmare Leon could'nt even stand 30 seconds without playing videogames. That day Leon was hiding in his emo corner the whole day.
>>>>>>Flashback ended<<<<<<<
Leon's still mad at me he oftens says i took his childhood away."Crap its almost 12.00 my flight is gonna leave soon". I hurridly ran down the stairs almost tripping in the process. I checked out and hailed a cab to take me to the airport. But there one thing you should now about me..... I GET AIR SICK!!! So pretty much i almost puked on the flight attendent.
>>>>TIME SKIP<<<<<<
"Finally" i thought. "I am never going on a plane ever again. I was trying to look for my dad and my brother."Jordan" a familiar voice said. "Daniel?" Daniel is my other friend from England we met during the time i was still new in England. I got lost somewhere in London. Until i bumped Guy with Brown hair and Ice blue eyes .
"Sorry". "Its fine but you seem a bit lost do you a little help getting around London. "Really, thanks alot im just wondering if you know where (Insert location of your home) is?". "Yes i actually live a block away from where you live". And that's how he became my crush and my friend.
"Jordan its nice seeing a familiar face."
"Daniel i thought you said you were moving back home?"i questioned him. "Well i never told you i actually moved to England to study and also that i'm a American aswell". "We'll its nice seeing you again" i was about to leave until he grabbed my hand. I blushed deep red. "Hey were still friends right?"."O-ofcourse w-were still friends". Damn me for stuttering."Then can i please have a hug then?". I didn't even got time to say anything he already hugged me. It only lated 7 seconds but still it felt like forever.
"Ok bye". I ran quickly to find Leon. I bumped into him a couple of minutes later. We talked a little bit until something caught my eye. My dad standing next to a woman with flowy black hair and green eyes. "Leon who's that?"." Oh thats our-". Leon got inturreptef by my dad. "Jordan this is Lauren your step mother".
Ok guys dont judge why i made the story long because i had alot of free time today.
Shout to my friend Kriztine1480.
And also don't blame my grammer im just to lazy to fix it.

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