2: "Fuck you, I hate science"

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School mornings are seriously THE worst. I hate waking up early, it's pointless. Can't the school just let us sleep a little more.

Pressing my screen multiple times to try and snooze it I finally tapped the right spot. Sinking back into my pillow I start to drift off until my door is swung open and an angry little women enters and rushes all the way to my curtains to open them, letting the room light up.

I squeeze my eyes trying to still keep the darkness in them but the light over powers. I sit up and rub my eyes while my mum goes out of my room.

Doing my morning routine where I shower, brush, dry my hair, do my make up, pick my outfit and get my bag ready took me an hour.

My mum made me breakfast so I quickly ate it and left the house. Opening the garage door I can't help it but smile at the sight of Spike Thunderchild, my motorcycle. Yes I gave it a first and a last name. It's a fully black Suzuki which I really love. I got it for my 17th birthday which was like 7 months ago and since then I've been taking perfect care of him.

I took him outside and closed the garage door behind me. Just as I was getting on Spike I heard another engine roar. I quickly found the source which happened to be Jayden's motorcycle. It was a Suzuki as well but an old one which are really hard to find.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said under my breath. I rolled my eyes and turned the handle a couple of times to make the engine roar before leaving.

I heard Jayden's engine behind me all the way to school. He either didn't know where to go or he knew but went my way anyways. He even parked next to me.

"Where's the reception?" He asked not so nicely.

"I can't be bothered to explain. Just follow me but don't stay close to me. I don't want people to think that you're my friend."

"Okay" he dragged it out but followed me anyways.

Once we entered the newly decorated reception the receptionist had her "what-did-you-do-now" face.

"Hey Cindy. This is Jayden Cale and he is new here so I'm just gonna let you two sort stuff out and I'll see you during second or third period I guess." with that I leave with a smirk on my face heading to an assembly that the school held about welcoming us back.

It was a boring first hour as all the principle was talking about was how he wanted this year to be better than the others and so on.

He kept looking at me as he said what not to do and what we should do which I kept smirking at.

Right after the assembly I met up with Emily and we went into our second lesson which was History.

History Is actually my favourite subject therefore I never really messed around in there. Where as in other classes I was a nightmare.

30 minutes into the lesson the door opens and a confused looking Jayden walked in. Mr.Brown just looks at him already judging him by the way he looks and since he keeps a sitting plan he told him where to sit.

The seat next to me was empty however it remained this way as Mr.Brown put him next to Emily.

I sat at the back as I hated being in the front, plus I liked to observe everything quietly from the back.

After History I had science one of my least favourite subjects. I almost set the room on fire once which got me expelled for 3 days but I swear it was an accident as I'm a clumsy person.

I can tell that every teacher in the school hates me by the way they look at me as I walk into the classrooms but I just do the one thing I'm good at which is blocking them out.

I go and sit at the back of the class Jayden following behind. For God's sake he is in this class too. I hope he doesn't sits next to me. I've never worked well when someone is sat next to me but yet again I don't usually work in class.

Jayden takes the seat next to me and we both just stay quiet. 20 minutes later I have succeeded to throw two paper planes one landing on the teachers desk with a message 'Fuck you, I hate science. Yours truly -R'

Since there is only one person it the whole class whose name starts with R and that's me once the teacher finds the note she looks at me through her glasses and points towards the door.

"Finally" I mutter as it took her 5 minutes to see the paper plane.

I walk out and go to the reception where Cindy gives me a disappointed look.

"What did you do now?" She asks.

"I wrote fuck you I hate science on a paper plane and threw it so it lands on my science teacher's desk and she didn't seem very pleased by it which I think is wrong because it's really hard to land a paper plane on a certain point without using science. I personally think she should have given me some credit for that." I explain and she laughs at some points. Cindy and I have actually gotten to know each other as I spend a lot of time in reception with her.

5 minutes later a familiar face walks in. Yeah you guessed it, it was Jayden.

He comes and sits down next to me without saying a word so I decide to break the ice.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I drew some stuff on the board with a permanent marker." to that I laughed because I never really thought of doing that myself.

"Classic I should have done that before." I say still laughing a little bit.

"Jayden why are you here?" Cindy asks him.

"Got in trouble."

"It's your first day."

"Yeah. It's still a bit late I usually start early. I decided to check out the school first. Wasn't that impressed." He answered coldly.

"It was more than enough having Rhea but now you too. Oh God you two are gonna be some trouble you are."

"Looks like it." I say and look at him with a smirk.


Hello my lovely readers .. I'm so sorry it took me this long to actually write another chapter by there are just some days where you are not in the mood to write so I decide not to write otherwise it won't be as fun as I would be forcing myself to write instead of writing out of joy.
Well I just wanted to say thanks again for reading and waiting for and update ..
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