1: "Hi, my name is Jayden"

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Waking up due to the sun in my eyes I moan in annoyance and get up so fast that I have to stop in my tracks and wait until the room stops spinning. I quickly walk to my black and white curtains and shut them over the square of light that woke me up.

Just as I was getting back into my warm and soft bed a knock on my bedroom door caught my attention. Not answering would get the person to go away so I kept my mouth shut however the person on the other side twisted the handle and opened the door, leaving me enough time to quickly snuggle into my black and white covers and pretend to be asleep.

"I know that you are not really sleeping." I heard my mum's voice on the other side of my bedroom. I heard her opening my walk in closet and leave something in it. "You have to get into the habit of waking up early again. You're staring school tomorrow." she continued.

"That's why I want to have my sleep now because I know that the next 5 days I would be a zombie." I said once I realised that I wasn't really going to get away with pretending to be asleep.

"Well get up now and I'll make you some breakfast. Oh and also there are some exciting news you might like the hear." she said as she walked out of my room.

I got up and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and have a shower. Just as I dried my hair I heard my mum shout that my breakfast was ready. I rushed down the stairs to go and sat on our kitchen table to have my delicious pancakes. I put some melted chocolate on them and moaned the moment a piece of that deliciousness was in my mouth.

"I take it you like it?" My mum joked as she carried on washing the dishes. "What are you doing today then?" She tried to start a conversation.

"I was thinking of going out with Emily and the crew to go and rob some stuff from the mall." just as the sentence left my mouth I heard a loud crash. My mum froze in place. She turned towards me with an angry look.

"Listen Rhea, do NOT joke about things like that okay!? I don't want to bail you out of jail once again because you were stupid enough to go and steal."

"Sorry." I said with no emotion in my tone. My mother knows that I never really listen to what she said, or at least I think she knows.

"Anyways" she took a deep breath "you can't go out today." She said as she turned and got the broken dish out of the sink.

"Why not?"

"I've invited our new neighbours over to have dinner with us." she said happily.

"New neighbours?" I asked a little bit taken back.

"Yeah, they moved in right next door. They have a son around your age and a daughter around 5 years old." She seemed really happy about this where as I was just standing there in shock.

"What time are they coming?"

"At 6" she said as she turned the tap off and grabbed a towel to dry her hands.

"Do I have to wear something girly?" I moaned.

"Yes!" She strictly said. "I was thinking you can wear that dress you wore to your aunt's wedding. If it still fits you."

"It doesn't." I lied hoping to get out of this situation. Plus I kind of burned it, on purpose.

"Oh well in that case wear whatever you want as long as it's sensible and lady like." she said as I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs to my room.

I opened my curtains to let some light in and looked at the window that was opposite mine. No one was there yet but I'm pretty sure it would be one of the kid's room. Everyone always gives that room to their kids.

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