A merchant 

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"You know- smacking your face into the barrel isn't going to get me to feed you any sooner" Boot hummed out, stepping over wet, whining, blubbery masses- their arms holding onto a wooden crate filled with homemade soaps that they picked up from a previous island.

Boot tucked the crate securely under his arm, his free hand grasping the wooden ladder as he descended to the bottom part of his small ship. The boards creaked under his feet dipping and weaving through his merchandise, trying to find the perfect spot to store the excess soap.

Setting the crate down, their eyes flickered over the bars- his fingers twitched, carefully picking up one of the hygiene products- each one carefully wrapped up in a reusable washcloth. The corner of his mouth twitched, fondly remembering her.


Early that morning, Boot had just arrived to the island. It was small population, the most populated it had been was around the five hundreds.

They left the their ship at the docks setting out to explore. A wagon dragging behind them to carry anything that caught his eye back to the ship.

Nothing stood out to Boot, he walked past each stand browsing contently, replenishing some of their food at a stand that sold a variety of dried goods.

Boot dug a few beris from his pocket, gently placing them into the keeps hand, saying a small thank you as he continued to look around.

It was the smell that caught their attention, followed by the array of colorful cloths wrapped around what Boot assumed to be soap- and they were correct.

An old woman sat alone at her stand, tired eyes looking away at nothing in particular, not wanting bare the sight of watching people pass her by with out a second thought.

She smoothed her apron, attempting to look unbothered. She gave up calling people to come check out her wares, her voice wasn't as strong as it used to be.

"Hi there" Boot spoke out, giving a small wave.

Her gaze slowly trailed over to their voice, a soft smiling entering her face seeing Boot standing at the edge of her stand, his skin littered with freckles, a scar smack dab in the middle of their face, red from its usual sun burnt complexion, hair messy the cowlick that lived on the back of his head sticking up far into the air.

"Hello dear.. how can I help you? Are you interested in buying anything? Everything you see- I've done myself"

"Iam" he gave her a smile back, picking up one of the bars inspecting it. They unwrapped the clothed from the bar, revealing a marbled white and yellow bar. Boot brought the bar closer to their face and gave it a sniff, "Pineapple and...."

"A secret my dear" she chuckled out, giving them a wink, "but I assure you- it's some of the best out there"

"Aha- I don't doubt it- I haven't come across any with this texture or smell...Tell me about yourself" Boot wrapped the bar in its cloth once again, not returning it to its place but, instead putting it aside, fingers roaming over other crates as he waited for her to start her tale.

Her name was Lottie.

Her family was one of the older generations on the island- all soap makers with her being the last one. The generation ended with her, she never married or had any children to pass it along to.

The business used to be more active- people would wait in line to get a bar or two but, now. She was lucky if one person stopped and gave her the time of day.

The cloths were never apart of the family business, she decided to add it. Lottie had made the time to make each and everyone of them not one was the same as another. Staying up late, missing out on anything 'fun' just to make sure her products were top quality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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