🌲 chapter 2 🌲

18 2 5

2nd person P.O.V.


All your friends had conked out in their tents. You sat on your deck chair staring at your phone. You snickered away at a Facebook meme once in a while, drunken and warm from the fire.


Your head shot up in the detection of the sound of a twig being stepped on.
'That was probably just an animal,' you attempt to reassure yourself looking back down at your bright screen. Your head now throbbing from moving it to fast.


There it was again... but closer.
'It's the beer, im drunk, I need too sleep,' again you tried to avoid the thoughts eating away at the edge of your mind.

You put out the fire and grabbed a small white plastic bag, beginning to pick up all the rubbish, empty cans, some with drops of beer your just poured out, paper plates with grease stains, a few cigarette papers from Andrew and a few other things. You didn't want them blowing away if the wind picked up.


'Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK!' Screaming internally as another sound interrupted, you tied the bags handles together.

It was getting closer.

Trying to keep your cool you walked towards where Andrew slept in the tent and you got in. After zipping up flap entrance you started grabbing your pocket knife, torche, and getting out the small camping med kit you brought.

You then suddenly heard whatever was outside walk away?

'Its like it was waiting for you to hide. It's playing a game. RUN!'
Your irrational thoughs overcame your mind and you began too shake, you grabbed a water you had in your bag and chugged it.

'I just need to sober up,' you hushed over and over again.

You sat in the tent and rocked back and forth. Taking deep breaths. Counting to ten over and over again.

It felt as if insanity was taking over your mind in that very moment.

Eventually after what felt like forever you fell asleep aswell right next to your friend. It wasn't a calming and refreshing sleep it was more of a restless, disturbed and tiring sleep.

You wake up to the smell of a shity camping breakfast being cooked by Addie. Instant porridge and some small boxes of cereal. It was dry cereal, as nobody thought of bringing milk.

"Speak of the devil," Kata motioned to you,
"when did you head to bed last night? you look wrecked," Andrew followed.
"I don't know, like 1 or so?" you dropped yourself in a chair and Addie tossed you a bottle of water.
"Im making porridge, want some?" She said glancing over to see if you caught it.

You unscrewed the lid and nodded before almost downing the whole bottle, she nodded back.

After breakfast you all sat around the extinguished campfire, chatting away and laughing at eachother. You went quiet after a while. Something in your mind was fogged from last night, just before you slept but you couldn't remember what it was.
"You good [y/n]?" Andrew tapped your foot with his, the rest of the group now looking at you.
"Huh? Oh yeah just spaced out a little," your voice got more confused and quiter as you finished your sentence.

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