nicknames (request)

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TW: none
request: yes!

please don't be mean
i'm using y/n and y/n/n
it's just easier than saying "your name"

- wednesday • her nicknames: she doesn't like any nicknames, call her wednesday or call her nothing • your nicknames: only y/n and maybe y/n/n

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- wednesday
• her nicknames: she doesn't like any nicknames, call her wednesday or call her nothing
• your nicknames: only y/n and maybe y/n/n

- enid
• her nicknames: en, eni, love
• your nicknames: y/n/n, lovey, my beloved

- tyler 
• his nicknames: ty, tyle, t dawg, ty-ty, ty-lert, typo, ty-worst, tzaddy, big t, t-man, (LMAO)
• he likes the weird nicknames, they're funny to him
• your nicknames: any weird nicknames that go with your name, sweetheart, beautiful, love

- xavier
• his nicknames: xay, that's all
• your nicknames: y/n/n, that's all
• 😭

- rowan
• his nicknames: row, rowi, babe,
• your nicknames: y/n/n, he's too shy for any pet names

- ajax
• his nicknames: a j, jax
• your nicknames: y/n/n, y/n but add a bunch of y's  at the end, babe

this chapter was underwhelming
so have a photo

this chapter was underwhelming so have a photo

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