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     THE NIGHT was cold, Enid and I haven't really talked. Walking through the door Mrs. Thornhill was showering students with compliments. "Shall we?" The boy signaled me to hold on to his arm.

"Welcome to this year's Rave'N," She said to us, the surroundings were a bit dark but it was beautiful, Very beautiful. The boy smiled as the music played "Want a drink?" He asked, "Yeah, I'll come with you"

He held my hand dragging me across the dance floor to the table, My eyes were glued on a girl and her date watching as she accidentally spilled drinks on him. She crouched down picking up the class, And I'm pretty sure from another angle it looked hella weird.

Suddenly Ajax was there, "look, Claire, No offense but I'm only here to cover up the fact that I like guys," My date said randomly "Oh, Oh my god?" He awkwardly laughed "Um yeah, Surprise?"

"That's even better" I let myself relax "Sorry, You were the only one I could think of" He put his hand behind his head-scratching it "Oh don't be, I didn't plan to come here either. wait here, I'll get us drinks" 

Looking the other way I saw Wednesday at the punch table, "You look amazing Weds" 

"Same to you," I turned to look at Tyler "Seriously? Coffee boy, Come on you can do better" I rolled my eyes.

She shook her head, "Claire," A sudden voice came from behind making Mason jump, She looked at Mason and back to me "Interesting choice of date,"

"Could say the same to you" I glared at the boy who caught me, he smiled and made his way towards us, "It's not what it looks like" She said to Wednesday, "I hope so, cause that pilgrim has two strikes in my book"

 "Lucas Is trying to make his ex jealous, and I'm trying to make Cla- AJAX... jealous"

I nodded as the boy stood next to her "Addams, I come in peace" "That's a shame, I brought my pocket mace. the medieval kind" grabbing two drinks I almost ran into someone who was standing behind me, He looked at Wednesday then turned back"Can't believe you brought him"

"Why are you bringing this up? as if this dance weren't tedious enough" Wednesday replied "Cause you don't know what he did to me" 

"Enlighten us"


   Finishing what he said Wednesday turned around and left the room, turning around I was met with Mason standing right there "Woah, heads up" he muttered.

"You love scaring people do you?" the boy smiled "Up for a dance?" Mason asked "No," "Too bad" He pulled me by my arm into the dance floor, It was embarrassing how he danced but I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Feeling eyes on us my gaze met someone who was staring so hard she was putting a hole behind his head, It was working. He grabbed my arm happily dancing as I smiled, "This is embarrassing,"

"Oh come on," He wailed "Have a little fun would ya?" The boy took my hand and spun me around, "You're so dead" 

The boy laughed goofing around like a child, Suddenly Goo goo muck came up and I spotted my sister in the middle of the dance floor. She had the most unique dance I've ever seen, It was quite surprised when she started dancing.

"Come," He said pulling me to the middle of the dance floor and start dancing childishly, I laughed as I danced with him. But suddenly I lost him in the crowds as I danced alone, Suddenly a familiar peach perfume hit my senses.

There she was right in front of me with a smile on her face, as if she was relieved the boy I was with was gone. She was also dancing mindlessly with Yoko, But she kept her eyes on me.

I went up to her deciding to act normal this one time going towards them dancing and laughing "Oh sorry" I heard Enid say bumping into Ajax, I laughed as Yoko spun Divana around hugging her.

The music was so loud but in the corner of my eye I spotted Bianca standing up and leaving, Suddenly I felt someone's arm around my waist. Yoko hugged me from the back and spun me around. 

As I got off I felt nauseating but I'd never had this much fun, The pink-haired girl was smiling and laughing and it made my stomach do flips. I worked my way toward her not wanting to make it awkward "Well aren't you quite a dancer, Sinclair"

"Could say the same to you, Addam" The girl leaned in way too close, and I rested my arms on her shoulder as she lightly jumped with a smile still plastered on her face. 

She finally calm down putting her arms on my waist before pulling me closer to her, If she wanted to forget about that night why do this? the thought circled around my head.

she tip-toed leaning her face closer, I could feel her lips brush on mine. I was willing to risk it all, I don't even care about the people staring. Her strawberry lip balm made me wanna smile, 

She licked her lips smiling before leaning closer cupping my face and kissing me, the taste of yeti-tini lingered on her lips.

suddenly I felt water drop from above, I didn't want to break the kiss so I brushed it off. But the water kept coming. The girl in front of me bit her lip before looking at her dress, Not a moment later I realized it was blood, Well It didn't smell like blood so I assumed it was paint.

The party just got way more interesting, I stared up letting the paint drip on my face as Enid took steps back. She blinked her face of realization and walked past me, turning around I followed her.

getting back I waited behind the door and listened "You did this?" Her voice cracked "I can't believe I fell for your crap" A breath was sucked in, She was crying "Enid, look after Crackstone Statue-"

"I thought you were different" His friends laughed, "I thought you liked me" "Wolf out, Wolf out" his friends chanted, I was going to step out but was cut by Bumping Ajax "get lost"

He said before stepping out "Hey, leave her alone" Digging my nails into my arm I was going to lose it, Does she or does she not like me?

"I didn't even wanna go with him" I heard her say as I let myself sit down listening to them knowing well It wasn't going to end well "I wanted to go with you" And just like that, My heart pained with despair.

"So why didn't you ask me?" my eyes felt watery and my chest hurt, "Cause you blew me off last night and never told me why" Warm liquid started to flow down my face as I covered my mouth not wanting to make a noise.

"I was, Too embarrassed to tell you but I- accidentally looked into the mirror and kinda stoned myself with my snakes" This was the only time, Her laugh made me cry. As I bit my lips the taste of blood lingered on my tongue "Woah we should,"

"Yeah," Tears were flowing down as I hugged my knees listening to them kiss.  

no longer Xavier showed up in front of me, "What are you-" As soon as we made eye contact his eyes softened, He peered out the door looking as surprised as I expected "Ajax?" he muttered 

I shook my head still crying into my dress "Oh," The boy blinked mindlessly taking a while to figure out what I meant before his face widened in realization "Alright, Let's get you out of here"


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now