FIVE. ʸᵒᵘ ᴿᵉᵃᵖ ᵂʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵂᵒᵉ

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  HOW WELL do we really know our parents? The thought came across my mind as Wednesday stood next to me. My eyes were as dark as ever from last night, I've never cried that hard in my whole entire life.

"to be honest, I've always considered him an open book, A man given misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection" I muttered to Wednesday staring at the spot my father was accused of murder.

"Nevermore was created as a safe haven for our children" The parents started murmuring around "To learn to grow, no matter who they are or what they are"

The crowd clapped as I felt someone stare at me, Staring at Thing he signed that it was Enid. Pathetic.

"I realize most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students, and I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend, And is expected to make full recovery. So let's focus on the positive and make this Parents Weekend our very best yet."

Suddenly the familiar scent of perfume was stronger "On the mend?" She said from the back, Wednesday turned around but I didn't bother "Try In a coma"

"Have you been to see him" She stood next to me as I backed away a little "You're his friends," "we're the reason why he's in the hospital" Wednesday answered, I looked at the face of confusion of the girl wondering why I'm not talking

"that is not your fault" her eyes softened at me, What exactly does she want? "The monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week, Maybe you finally scared it off"

"Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend" I cut in not bothering to take my eyes off my shoes "Look at this somethings never change," I heard my mother's voice "I knew I should've worn my plague mask"

"Would you look at my family" I turned to the over-hyper boys "Talk about toxic pack mentality, I give my mother 30 seconds before her judgy claws come out"

"Let's get hit over with" I muttered walking towards my mother feeling someone brush my shoulder, Stop I said to myself, I wanted her to stop whatever she was doing.

"There she is" my father opened her arms "Oh, How I miss those accusing eyes of youthful sneer" I looked at my mother lowering my eyes "How are you my little rain clouds?"

"I thought Thing was filling you  in on my every move" Wednesday cut In as I watch my parents open their mouths to make an excuse "we uncovered your fettle subterfuge almost immediately"

My father smiled "So how's the little fella doing? does he still have his fingers?" he wiggled his arms "Relax, I haven't snapped any of his digits"


"So tell us everything," My mother continued "Since you abandoned me here we've been haunted, hunted and a target of attempted murder" A smile rose on their faces "ah, Nevermore I love you so"


"our old yearbook" My legs were getting tired from standing "I haven't laid eyes on this in over 20 years" I watch as she touched the spine of the yearbook "Such a good time we had Larissa"

"Some are better than others" She replied "Oh don't be so modest you always filled the room with your presence like a stately sequoia tree" She took a look inside the yearbook "And I guess that would make you the lumberjack"

"There's that biting sense of humor that I always adored" My mother smiled at her "Do you remember the duet we did for the solstice Talent show? Your Judy Garland impression was a dead ringer"

"Sounds positively suicidal" I whispered to Wednesday "Oh," My mother let out "my picture is gone"

"Really? well that is odd" She closed the book "May I borrow this for the weekend? that way Gomez and I can take a little walk down memory lane"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now