Chapter 1

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----Chapter 1----

The name's Kyri. I live with five other people in a dense forest away from civilization. We do not have cell phones, computers, cars or anything that people have in these modern days. I do have an iPod though. Don't ask where I go it from, ok?

Anyway, the reason I am letting you know anything and everything about my life is because I kinda wanted to...I kinda wanted to get all famous and everything, ya know? Like walk around a mall and have people point and say, "Hey! Thats that wolf chick from that one book!" Yep, that would be the grand life.

So, to get myself famous and everything, I gotta have readers who like me and my adventures. And to get those people, I actually have to have a story soo....Here goes nothing.


"Do really have to train again?" Ash's whining was pissing me off far more than it should.

"Yes, you lazy excuse of a wolf, we do. Because if we don't, my father will get on my ass about not having a fit and determined pack. Then, my mother will go into a lecture about how I'm not ready, how I can't control people, and point out numerous times that I have yet to find a mate! Do you think I want to go home to that?" I shouted at the girl I had been friends with for so long I couldn't even count all the experiences we've had.

She looked back at me with a bored look and yawned. "Jeez, you're in a mood today."

I sighed. "Yeah well, lotta pressure on me back at the homestead. All this talk about finding a mate and raising a pack and all that crap."

"Well, there's always my tree to sleep in if ya get tired of your own." Ash's pretty copper hair swished around her faced as she looked around. "And ya know, we could always run off."

She winked. I snorted.

"You do know they would send the Trackers on us if we did, and then we'd be back here within two days." She sighed.

"Why do you always have to burst my tiny little bubble of hope?" She crossed her small arms around her petite body and stomped her foot in the ground. Her green eyes took on a sorrow-filled look and she stuck her bottom lip out.

"Oh no. You are so not pulling the puppy dog look on me." Whoa, no pun intended there. Ash laughed, which caused me to laugh to because laughter is contagious......right? In the distance, I heard a horn sound. Both Ash and I looked in the direction of the sound.

"Well, seems like we better get going. Don't wanna miss dinner." Ash smiled and leaped in the air, shifting in midair to her wolf form. I followed, hurrying to catch up and take my position in the front.

Both of us Shifted, I barked a command at Ash's wolf.

Follow me. We're taking the long way.

She bowed her head in response. I took off, my grayish blue fur streaming behind me. I loved the feel of my wolf form, it came the most natural to me. I howled in delight, which earned a snort from Ash. I looked back at her.

Her coat was a subtle mix of copper and silver, both colors mixing to form a magnificient bronze. The tips of her ears and her hind paws were black, while on the tip of her muzzle there were specks of white. Her gray eyes looked expectantly at me, waiting for me to give the signal.

Communicating is easy when your a wolf. All you have to do is master the art of Mind Walking and your good to go. So I wasn't really surprised when I heard a voice in my head. What made me stop in my tracks though, was a voice I had never heard.

Little wolf, it sang, I will come for you one day. And when I do, expect blood to be shed.

I froze, my hind legs dragging a trail in the soft dirt. Who was that? I heard Ash stumble behind me, trying to stop before she ran into me. She padded up to me slowly and sat in front of me.

What happened? She inquired.

I shook my head. Nothing at all. We need to get back. And fast.

I sprinted forward and took off towards the pack's campsite. Ash followed close behind to make sure I was okay.

I'm fine. Now get out of my head.


We arrived at the "camp" just as the Alpha was arranging hunting teams. I padded in front of my father and dipped my muzzle to the ground. He nodded and I shifted back to human form, if only for a while.

"You're late." He said, a disapproving look in his eyes.

"Yes, Father. I am late because I was training with Ash." I gestured to Ash, still in wolf form, behind me. "We lost track of time."

He still had that look in his eyes. I sighed. This happened every time. I do something wrong and it just downgrades my parents' opinions of me.

"Try to be alert of the time, Kyri. Go head the West Division. Ash, accompany her." Ash dipped her muzzle as I had done earlier and slunk off in search of our hunting party. I bowed to my father and turned on heel, following Ash as she wound her way through the trees to the arranged party.

I Shifted, feeling lean and muscled as I padded across the moss covered ground.

Uhhh Ky... You might want to look at who's hunting with us. Ash's voice floated through my head just as I caught his scent. My head snapped up, swiveling until I found my eyes locked with his.

Griffin smiled a wolfish smile, again no pun intended, and howled. He was in wolf form but everyone recognized the violet eyes of Griffin Reer. His coat shone a brilliant black in the fading sunlight and his eyes sparked with mischief as he saw me cross the ground between us.

Well, well, well. Look at this. Poor Kyri pissed off her father and now she's stuck with me. He chuckled mentally. I snarled, quickly swiping my paw across his muzzle.

Just remember who's in charge here, Reer. I snarled and stalked to the front of the hunting party.

Speaking to everyone, I ordered, Split off into groups of five. It will make it easier to surround prey and kill them efficiently. Redwood, take the twins and your brother with you. Cleary, take your normal party. The rest of you with me.

I spun around, followed by Ash, Gretchen, Griffin and Chase. As we set out to hunt, I kept thinking about the voice in my head earlier and what it meant. Who was this wolf/person? And what did he want with me?


I will post more tomorrow. Vote/comment if you would please:) itd be appreciated

peace out, M.C.

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