cp1 🧸An average morning?

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I was laying in my bed staring at the clock. 12:03pm 'nice' I thought getting up knowing that I have to get ready for work. I go into the bathroom where my uniform is hanging up and hop into the shower aftertaking off my baggages. The water makes my wonds stings but by now I'm used to it. After the shower I dry off then put on clean baggages before getting ready by putting on my uniform, getting my bag, and making a quick sandwich. I proceeded to walk out of my house and putting on my headphones and starting my saved playlist..
                   Playlist name
        1. Baggage by Rare American
        2. West coast by Imagine Dragons
        3. Little poor me by Layto
        4. Witchblades by Lil peep
        5. We think ro much by Lil peep
       6. Daeth of a Bachelor by Panic at.
          the Disco
       7. The pantaloon by twenty one
       8. Hoist up the thing by The long
       9. Rockstar by Raspy

As I was walking I see the rode is blocked off because of some villain. But not wanting to be late I walk into an alley to my right and proshed to walk to work at a super market named Hermes. I ended up makings it to work half an hour later and stared my shift at the register. Nothing really uventful happened besides some people yelling at my but that's fine. By now it was 4:27 so went to the staff room to get my things because my shift ended at 4:30 which gave me enough time to be home by about 5:00am or so. That would give me enough time to get ready for school and get my siblings up but by now they mostly just call me mom or some sort of variation of mom like mama. I felt a small smile form on my face at that thought. As I'd walked home I thought about how work went today. As I was unlocking the door I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched so I got into the house quicker the usual. After a minute of waiting and no I went to the kitchen and turned on the stove top. I then went and put on my school uniform before going back to the kitchen to make breakfast and everyone's lunch. I've just finished making all of the food when suddenly there was the sound of braking glass. Quickly grabbing a knife I mack my way to the dining room were I heard the sound come from only to see a cat on the table and a broken cup on the ground. The cat wall more of a kitchen was laying on a couch pillow that had been left on the table. The kitten it shelf had wihte fur with some brown around the eyes that were bright blue and some more brown fur that made up the color of its tail wall the cats ears were a darker shade.

 The kitten it shelf had wihte fur with some brown around the eyes that were bright blue and some more brown fur that made up the color of its tail wall the cats ears were a darker shade

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The cat was cute I could not lie about that. Prosheding to approach the cat I put out my hand for it to sniff which the cat did before rubbing it haed against my hand.

A/N: I will be leaving it here for now and continue it later in a cp2

The ships that I am turning towards the most at the moment is Aideku aka Aizawa x Deku or Tomiki x Deku mostly this noe though so please do leave some suggestions for I am a multishiper. Welp that is all for now bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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